Yep. Just put the rule back the way it was forever and don't allow it at all. Not sure why the NFL even changed it to begin with, except they always want more offense.
So the basic concept for removing the no pushing rule was that when a running back is down field, if he’s stalled it’s because he’s got 2+ guys dragging on him.
So lineman will come and shove those guys and the whole pile goes forward. Refs don’t throw a flag, and the defense’s coach says “That’s illegal! He pushed the pile!” Then the offensive coach will say, “No one was pushing the RB, our guys were blocking the defensive players to get them off the RB! The pile moving forward was incidental.” How does a ref prove the blockers aren’t intent to get the defenders off the RB when them engaging with said defenders moved the pile forward? So they don’t call it again and again unless it’s especially egregious. But no coach likes that because if they’re on the opposite side then all of them are egregious.
So the principle line of thought is A) if it’s only ever gonna happen when the ball carrier has a bunch of guys on him, and B) it’s gonna appear that the Olineman could be blocking when they interact with the guys on the ball carrier to move the pile forward, what’s the point in the ref having to differentiate all this just to pick up the flag? We’re allowing it anyway because we can’t call a penalty when it happens, so may as well make it legal to reduce the ref’s handcuffs.
Now the tush push is a completely different circumstance But this is why the Packers worded their proposal to specifically be, “When the ball carrier who has taken the snap is immediately pushed forward”. That is directly attacking the tush push while leaving all other scenarios alone, because they know otherwise it would immediately get shot down because no one wants to go back to the hassle of the way it was.
So in short, you and others make not like that it’s allowed, but no one was really happy when it wasn’t. Football is an imperfect sport, and sometimes you just have to find middle ground to keep things kosher.