Parcells on ESPN Radio about Romo


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sk0aL;1804797 said:
Parcells as a coach always believed in "bus drivers". He wanted a player that wouldn't necessarily win you the game but would not lose you the game. Phil Simms was a bus driver. Bill wanted Bledsoe to be a bus driver, but after he threw the game away in Philly and was giving away the game against NYG in the first half, BP realized Bledsoe was being detrimental so he pulled him. Parcells had success in New York with a ball control style offense that won games because it had the defense from hell.

He brought that same philosophy here, only to have it bite him in the *** because the NFL isn't what it used to be. You have to play to win; you can't play not to lose.
Parcells and everyone else knew what Bledsoe was before he got here. Even Roy Williams called him a "statue" when Bufallo played at Dallas


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SuperCows5Xs;1804571 said:
I've never understood a coaches obsession with a over the hill veteran QB like Bledsoe and Vinny when they've got a good young QB who can play or they have a chance to get a good young QB who has potential and yet they want to cut corners go with a washed up vet instead. Not just talkin' about Bill but it happens all over the league and these old QB's rarely ever deliver in regards to having a successful season or being successful in the post season.

It's a control issue. The veteran QB was usually an ex-yes man QB. That's all Bledsoe and Vinny were. With a guy like Romo, Parcells didn't know if he would be their whipping boy. Coaches are obsessed with control and they know that veterans they have worked with before will do whatever they say. Coaches love that.

Nonetheless, Parcells screwed up. He should have never went with Bledsoe or Vinny. I don't care what Jerry Jones is saying but Parcells was pushed out. Parcells knew and decided to go out with some dignity as opposed to being fired. Parcells was niave and stupid enough to think he could win a championship with Vinny and Drew.

Parcells deserves a lot of the credit for the success of this team. He helped establish the infrastructure of this team. That being said, we would not have the same record with Parcells as head coach. Parcells would be too controlling and his obsessive control would have ruined the team chemistry. Our current coach has allowed our players to be independent and loose which has enabled them to have success.


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While starting Bledsoe in week 1 was the correct decision. Drew did nothing in pre-season to lose his job, Parcells decision came late. Following the Jacksonville disaster, Tony should have started the game immediately following the debacle in Philadelphia. It may have won us the division. I was ready for Tony after week 1, and so should have BP.

We had a light schedule in front of us leading up to the game in Philadelphia. There would have been most likely no difference in record, and Tony would have had the experience needed to carry THROUGH the playoffs, which I think had we survived Seattle, would have landed us in the Super Bowl regardless in a rematch with Indy whom we beat at home last year with Tony at the helm.


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Nors;1805519 said:
Actually - Parcells wanted to go Romo but Bledsoe flat out beat him out last training camp and Parcells was forced to start Drew. Albeit a short leash, and really there was no real big Pro Romo Start ferver 2003/4/5/6.

Hensonites were long on the pedigree'd one right to the bitter end here. Few saw the talent and potential in Tony Romo back in that 03-05 era candidly. There was no mass we must start Tony Romo in fact a majority were beating him down trying to support Henson as the annointed QB all in all.

It's not that the so called "Hensonites" thought he was so much better than TR, it was most knew Incepteverde and Bledslow where a huge waste of time. We needed to start a young QB for the future. Looking at the 2 young guns, I assume most felt Henson could be better because of his big time college experience. I was calling for either one to start but will admit I favored Henson more(huge mistake). If Bill would have given Romo some playing time (he didn't even after being eliminated from the playoffs), then you would have seen the "Hensonites" jump on the bandwagon in a hurry. He would have proved himself lin the regular season and not just in the pre-season. Bill's "best chance to win" mantra really hurt this team. I am very glad he is gone.