Patriot loss memes

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Im not "suggesting" anything. The "facts" reported by an agenda driven media and others turned out not to be facts. If you look at the evidence its obvious that there were not enough facts to come to the conclusion that Brady did anything like he has been accused of.
FIFY. Amazing how your fixed statement is absolutely, 100% accurate now.
FIFY. Amazing how your fixed statement is absolutely, 100% accurate now.

Funny how you're so quick to exonerate Brady, when there was way more to suggest his guilt, yet you dont give Hardy that same courtesy even tho there is far more reason to give Hardy the benefit of the doubt.

Shocking . . . . . . . . :huh::lmao2:
Funny how you're so quick to exonerate Brady, when there was way more to suggest his guilt, yet you dont give Hardy that same courtesy even tho there is far more reason to give Hardy the benefit of the doubt.
The facts are these: Hardy had his day in court. He was represented by counsel. He was allowed to call his own witnesses as he pleased and cross examine prosecution witnesses (including the victim). He was allowed access to evidence. He was allowed to testify (but chose not to). And he was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a sitting Judge.

Tom Brady received none of those things, and is guilty of nothing but being a great champion, banging starlets and obeying the laws of physics.
The facts are these: Hardy had his day in court. He was represented by counsel. He was allowed to call his own witnesses as he pleased and cross examine prosecution witnesses (including the victim). He was allowed access to evidence. He was allowed to testify (but chose not to). And he was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a sitting Judge.

Tom Brady received none of those things, and is guilty of nothing but being a great champion, banging starlets and obeying the laws of physics.

There's no selective morality. I honestly don't give a **** what anyone does in their personal lives so long as no laws are broken ("personal lives" meaning it doesn't impact their professional obligations). You think Patriots players are the only ones banging models and movies stars left and right??
Yeah, she was really out of line slamming her body into Hardy's fists like that.
I don't know what you are talking about.

And, as usual, neither do you.

So now it's a matter of 'laws being broken'... Guess what? Hardy appealed, no law broken... Just keep contradicting yourself to defend your selective morality in regards to the Patriots.. Cheating in personal life and the football field..
So now it's a matter of 'laws being broken'... Guess what? Hardy appealed, no law broken... Just keep contradicting yourself to defend your selective morality in regards to the Patriots.. Cheating in personal life and the football field..

He did more than just appeal.

His guilty verdict was expunged from his record. DA's don't just expunge guilty verdicts on a whim either.

It's about people (and the media and Judge Tin) that convicted him before they had all of the facts. Now that the facts are being presented they either want to cover their ears and yell out loud like children or come up with any excuse to try to claim they were right.

I don't think Hardy is a great guy by any means. I thought the rap video he did was ignorant and insensitive. I think he didn't do himself any favors by letting Holder stay in his life when there were numerous reports of her acting like a mentally unstable person.

But, that doesn't make him a woman beater. And the DA would not have expunged his guilty conviction for no good reason. Had Hardy appealed and the DA could not get Holder to testify, it still doesn't mean that the DA has to expunge anything. OTOH, it's much more difficult to re-try a case when you have a 911 call with Holder apologizing and begging that she doesn't want to be arrested. It's hard to ignore the police officer statements of Holder running away from them or the mark on Hardy's face or Holder's statements to police not jiving with her testimony at the bench trial. And it's hard to ignore that Holder admitted to being high on coke and drunk.

I think in most situations not involving a football player, especially one that is a Dallas Cowboys player...getting the guilty verdict expunged would be treated much differently by the in presuming that he was innocent because that guilty conviction was expunged. Like most normal people would do with anybody else that had a guilty verdict expunged from their record because...that's what expungment is supposed to accomplish.

So now it's a matter of 'laws being broken'... Guess what? Hardy appealed, no law broken...
According to the logic, OJ didn't break any laws in summer of '94.

Just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper.
It's about people (and the media ) that convicted Brady before they had all of the facts. Now that the facts are being presented they either want to cover their ears and yell out loud like children or come up with any excuse to try to claim they were right.
According to the logic, OJ didn't break any laws in summer of '94.

Just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper.

You need to make up your mind.. One minute your talking about morality, and when it's pointed out that your being selective about morality as it concerns your team, you then say you only care about if a law is broken..

Now your talking about OJ...
The facts are these: Hardy had his day in court. He was represented by counsel. He was allowed to call his own witnesses as he pleased and cross examine prosecution witnesses (including the victim). He was allowed access to evidence. He was allowed to testify (but chose not to). And he was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a sitting Judge.

Tom Brady received none of those things, and is guilty of nothing but being a great champion, banging starlets and obeying the laws of physics.

You need to make up your mind.. One minute your talking about morality, and when it's pointed out that your being selective about morality as it concerns your team, you then say you only care about if a law is broken..

Now your talking about OJ...
That's right. I'm using your own logic against you. You're just too blind to realize it. If you want to say Hardy broke no laws, well then neither did OJ in the Summer of 1994.

First you tell us that having consensual sex with women is no different from beating them up. Now you're telling us OJ never committed a crime that fateful summer.
That's right. I'm using your own logic against you. You're just too blind to realize it. If you want to say Hardy broke no laws, well then neither did OJ in the Summer of 1994.

And Brady didn't deflate and balls and Bellichek didn't steal signals and interfere with communications..
And Brady didn't deflate and balls and Bellichek didn't steal signals and interfere with communications..
Once you get past the kneejerk reaction to an agenda driven media, an intelligent person looking at the evidence would conclude precisely that.
Once you get past the kneejerk reaction to an agenda driven media, an intelligent person looking at the evidence would conclude precisely that.

Of course the Pats fan says that.. Selective morality much..

Have the courage to educate yourself.

I'd like to educate myself about Spygate but Goodell destroyed all the evidence.. Just like Tom destroyed his phone.. And Bellichek lied about him misunderstanding the rules about videotaping signals when he was warned the year prior... And the balls of the Colts teams didn't lose that much pressure and so on..


Members of the media like Peter King have been proclaiming Brady has been innocent for a long time. I could also go on with other pro-Brady supporters in the media like Bill Simmons, Gawker media, etc.

Despite the fact that the balls were underinflated, that the Ideal Gas Law is not an exact science and is admitted to be inaccurate at low temperatures and the texts between McNally and Jastremski clearly prove that they had been underinflating the footballs illegally for payment from Brady and McNally sneaking off into the bathroom against NFL protocol with the footballs.

Brady is more or less the equivalent of Holder when the facts are fully presented. And no...he's not a 'victim' just like Holder is not a victim.

Holder broke the law and lied about it. Brady got out of it behind the machine of Robert Kraft's money and the fanboys who embarrassed themselves by being so intellectually dishonest. Holder got away with it because nothing short of an actual video showing a woman hitting a man, first, will get law enforcement to go after the woman for assault (see the Jorge Pena case in the Bronx where he was all but to be tried and convicted until a video became available).


Have the courage to educate yourself.


Guess where Mide Technologies is located?


Funny how they don't mention that the Ideal Gas Law is admittedly inaccurate, particularly at lower temperatures, by other Patriots fanboys

And of course...they can't explain away the texts from McNally and Jastremski, talking about deflating footballs for payment.

Anyway, we should get back on topic:


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