
TheSkaven;1863767 said:
So true. He's a completely different quarterback in the no huddle and 2 minute drill. What could that be about?

Perhaps he's more comfortable going on instinct as opposed to working with designed plays...
LOL some i remember hearing scouting reports and this Kevin Boss kid i remember they were comparing him to Jason Witten
Is this the most points the Patriots have given up in the 1st half all season?
Wonder what Pats will do with final 13 seconds. Kneel on it or try and put it up.
Go Eli. Keep it up. This is the most points that the Pats have given up in the first half.
sacase;1863765 said:
Wilfolk better be suspended for the first playoff game, that was an intent to injure....very dirty.

I coud see that he was trying to injure...thats just sick...he coud've binded him in that eye if he hit the
StylisticS;1863791 said:
Is this the most points the Patriots have given up in the 1st half all season?
Tied with Philly.

LOL @ Welker getting handled.
Yakuza Rich;1863777 said:
Nah, poking somebody in the eye isn't going to injure anybody, just ask Bryant Gumbel.

I mean come on, do you really need TWO eyes to play? He's just a RB anyway. It's not like he's a precious QB or anything. If Jacobs had poked Tom Brady in the eye like that, the world would be screaming for blood.
TheCount;1863800 said:
I mean come on, do you really need TWO eyes to play? He's just a RB anyway. It's not like he's a precious QB or anything. If Jacobs had poked Tom Brady in the eye like that, the world would be screaming for blood.
It'd be pretty weird to see Brady playing on defense too.
Belischik the ego maniac has all his big guns in there to try and get the undefeated season.... what a jerk......
wonder if we'll see Brady and Co. in the second half... I hope not. But, I bet they come back out to try to get the lead again. Does Special Agent Billicheck put his *players* back out?

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