Penalties reviewable?


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I believe teams should be able to challenge one penalty per game with the challenge flag. If You lose the challenge you're done. If you win the Challege you get another. This would hold Refs accountable. Let's face it. Refs make mistakes too. This penalty went against Dallas which put them at 1st and 25 and they got moved back to the 45 Yard line. When in fact it should have been 1st and 10 at the 15-yard line. to be fair Detroit could have also challenged the last play. That would have allowed a review and a clearer explanation for both teams as well as fans.

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I believe teams should be able to challenge one penalty per game with the challenge flag. If You lose the challenge you're done. If you win the Challege you get another. This would hold Refs accountable. Let's face it. Refs make mistakes too. This penalty went against Dallas which put them at 1st and 25 and they got moved back to the 45 Yard line. When in fact it should have been 1st and 10 at the 15-yard line. to be fair Detroit could have also challenged the last play. That would have allowed a review and a clearer explanation for both teams as well as fans.

Bogus call


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Yeah I never did see the replay, but wow, that's just bad. How do they even form the idea that Hendershot tripped anybody? lol


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They really should expand on what is reviewable, the speed of the game and amount of ground they have to cover is too difficult. Everyone has HD TVs and with super slo-mo, it looks readily apparent to fans but tough to see on the field in real time, especially if they are not in the right positions.


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The refs ruined this game.

Everyone saw it at the end.

Troy and Buck tried to cover for them.

But both players checked in before the play.



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to be fair Detroit could have also challenged the last play. That would have allowed a review and a clearer explanation for both teams as well as fans.
You mean the 2 point play? That's not a mistake replay can fix. Especially if the ref told the defense 70 reported.


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You mean the 2 point play? That's not a mistake replay can fix. Especially if the ref told the defense 70 reported.
True, there’s no way a review could reveal whether the ref heard him or not. You’d have to have the specific audio from the conversation between ref and player.


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The team needs to seek explanation how this can happen. This gives total credence to those who believe the refs have an agenda and are injecting themselves in the game at points to help that agenda. How does a ref see and call a trip that literally never happened. The Cowboys should be making a huge deal over this in the media. It has to stop. Not just for us but every team and every fan.


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The team needs to seek explanation how this can happen. This gives total credence to those who believe the refs have an agenda and are injecting themselves in the game at points to help that agenda. How does a ref see and call a trip that literally never happened. The Cowboys should be making a huge deal over this in the media. It has to stop. Not just for us but every team and every fan.
This is so true. Critical call at a critical time, which absolutely never happened, in a game in which the refs has been letting them play up to that point.m. And yet everyone is talking about the 2 point conversionp which was also clearly spoken by the ref and reacted to by our defense.


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I believe teams should be able to challenge one penalty per game with the challenge flag. If You lose the challenge you're done. If you win the Challege you get another. This would hold Refs accountable. Let's face it. Refs make mistakes too. This penalty went against Dallas which put them at 1st and 25 and they got moved back to the 45 Yard line. When in fact it should have been 1st and 10 at the 15-yard line. to be fair Detroit could have also challenged the last play. That would have allowed a review and a clearer explanation for both teams as well as fans.

Another fathom call against the Cowboys, This one was just as bad as the clipping call against our center in the Miami game. Since the NFL is a copy-cat league, maybe they need to instill MBL rules into the game of football and allow coaches the opportunity to challenge these bogus penalties like MLB allows mangers to challenge plays when an umpire calls a player out on a certain play and replays show the player was safe and the challenge overturns the umpire's bad call.


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Always follow the money. Who benefits? Who profits? There is your answer.
Not sure about this for last night’s game. If they don’t call the phantom trip, the run the clock out and Detroit still wins the point spread game. The game is more exciting at the end, so I guess there’s that sponsorship angle.
This is actually a truism I’ve seen statistic to support. Teams attempting comebacks do get more calls and non-calls. It’s not just a Cowboys things