Per The Ticket: Josh Brent sentenced to 10 years Probation and 180 days in jail.

I grew up in a different era, when I was starting to drive drunk driving and DUI's were really just starting to become a big deal. I drove while drunk several times. I rode with others who were drinking. I drink rarely now and never drive within hours of drinking. When you get a family perspective changes.

If I get in a car with my best friend and he's drunk and he crashes I do not want his life ended by rotting in a cell for 20 years or a decision we both made. I want him to have the chance to better himself and atone for both our mistakes,

When a man does something intentional I'm all for throwing the book at him, when a man makes a stupid mistake and the victims family supports that man, then I see no issue with this sentence. If and it's a huge if he can keep his nose clean for 10 years. Then we've done more for Jerry Brown than trying to apply our justice for his death.

I would feel the same way if he was not a football player.

This is much like I think. since he is a "friend" in this scenario (a friend to the Cowboys), then he gets a chance to redeem himself, especially since the victim's mother supports him getting a second chance...but, what if he were someone that you didn't know (from another team in this analogy) you think that he should get that chance or if you walked by him on the street, would you want to kick him?

I can really see both sides of this
I retired as an Army E8. I was at Bragg, Desert Storm and Bosnia.

And you?

...and you still equate football to war? Wow.:confused:

I don't make a habit out of posting my particulars (or assignments), but my career started in Paris Island and I got free travel as well.
...and you still equate football to war? Wow.:confused:

I don't make a habit out of posting my particulars (or assignments), but my career started in Paris Island and I got free travel as well.

In other words, you were a cook or a clerk who just got caught running his mouth. That’s assuming you actually served at all, I know a million Marines (including my brother) and never met one that “didn’t post the particulars” of their service.

And I never said the NFL was War, I used the phrase “go to war” about being in the NFL that the players use every day. If you actually did play college ball and serve in the Marine Corps (a big if) and can’t fathom that there is a bond between NFL teammates – it says an enormous amount about you. And at the moment it says I should put you on Ignore. No one else is replying to you, which tells me most people here have already.
In other words, you were a cook or a clerk who just got caught running his mouth. That’s assuming you actually served at all, I know a million Marines (including my brother) and never met one that “didn’t post the particulars” of their service.

And I never said the NFL was War, I used the phrase “go to war” about being in the NFL that the players use every day. If you actually did play college ball and serve in the Marine Corps (a big if) and can’t fathom that there is a bond between NFL teammates – it says an enormous amount about you. And at the moment it says I should put you on Ignore. No one else is replying to you, which tells me most people here have already.

Go ahead and ignore...please. I've known thousands of loudmouths like your kind. You get stuffed and you throw a tantrum and pound your highchair. I'll bet that mouth cost you alot of teeth...wait, you wouldn't say that to someone's face without choking on 'em. Perhaps we'll have a get together of Cowboys fans one day and we'll see how loud that mouth can get.;)

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