Advertising - the techniques and practices used to bring products, services, opinions, or causes to public notice for the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised. ( )
Jerry Jones and the franchise are financially supported by fans directly and indirectly.
Direct financial support is achieved whenever a fan makes a purchase of some product or service related to the Dallas Cowboys or the NFL, like a jersey, tour, etc.
Indirect financial support occurs whenever a fan subjects himself or herself to advertising.
Here is how indirect financial support of Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys (or the NFL period) works. Advertisers promote their products and services to viewers and listeners through commercial advertisements they create. In order to get their message seen or heard, advertisers pay broadcasters. In turn, broadcasters pay the NFL (and, in some cases, directly to the teams) for the right to air advertisers' messages during league games.
Whether a viewer or listener makes an actual purchase because of an advertiser's message is irrelevant. What is relevant is that an advertiser has paid for the
opportunity to influence a purchase.
So, anyone who sees or hears an ad, during a televised or radio broadcast of an NFL game is tied financially to Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys by association. It does not matter whatsoever whether a viewer or listener of an NFL game spends one red cent of their hard earned money on anything remotely connected to the NFL. The simple act of watching or listening to an NFL game validates the advertisers investment in getting their message out to consumers. And the advertisers (through the media and the league) pay Jerry Jones.
There is only one way anyone can claim they do not support Jerry Jones financially. Anyone making that claim must begin severing themselves for all personal opportunities watching or listening to any NFL games. However, that is only the
first step for legitimizing such a claim. After all, there are other financial ties to Jerry Jones which have nothing to do with watching NFL games...