PFT: Cap to hit $165 million by 2011?

Kangaroo said:
I doubt the growth rate of the NFL can sustain for that long. Do not be suprised when it starts to flaten out the next couple years. I just do not see the growth rate of the NFL to go to much higher.

me too, but alot of teams will strike the oven while it's hot, although I doubt we do, I think we stay at the same spending pace that we have been

fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me
burmafrd said:
Snyder took a huge gamble and got LUCKY. He could very well have lost the gamble and the skins would be dead ducks for years. And, by the way, what has all that gambling and cap games gotten the skins? I see no Lombardi's; the playoff "run" last year was less then impressive.

We wouldn't have been dead ducks for years...if there was no CBA then 2007 would be an uncapped year, and its unlikely the cap would have returned.
nyc said:
Hmm, inflation causes the values of a dollar split about every 15 years. i.e $10 in 2000 will be worth about $5 in 2015. Which means the value of the cap is rasing much faster than inflation. $34.6 million should be valued at $69.2 million in in 2009 by inflation standards. (15 years after the cap was created) What we are seeing is a avg of about $5.61 million dollar annual increase since it's inception. (($102M-$34.6M)/12) At that avg rate of increase the cap will increase about $28 million over the next 5 years giving a cap of about $130 million. No where near $165 million. Of course I'm no fortune teller either...

you speak in terms of average inflation, the inflation the last couple of years since the 2001 recession has been huge, so the actuall inflation is a lot higher than double in 15 years
Riggo, its nice you keep whistling past the graveyard, but wake up. Danny Boy just about blew it all and it seems he will probably never learn. These cap projections are not something one should base anything serious on. Sooner or later the TV networks are going to stop upping the ante; revenue cannot keep growing like it has been. And Danny Boy will keep handing out the huge contracts. What goes up fast cannot stay that way. It will happen. Its just a matter of time. It is your destiny to one day hate the very mention of Snyder.