PFT: Eagles' top pick Bunkley arrested (Bad Rumor)

gimmesix said:
Did they compare the gun to the bullets fired at Davis?

On second thought, if the Eagles were going to put a hit out on any Cowboy I would think Davis would be near the bottom of the list.

True, they usually go after wimpy little foreign kickers. In fact they have been known to put a bounty out on them.
Why would he have a loaded handgun on the dashboard???

On the seat...OK. In the glove compartment...Ok. In the console...OK. But in plain sight on the Dashboard??? How stupid can you get?

Just paint a sign on the door..."I'm a thug...arrest me!".
The last thing a guy who probably suffers from "Roid Rage" on occasion needs in his car is a loaded gun.:eek:
it's not that big of a deal, just stupid. then again these guys aren't playing chess. i guess the stupider they are the better or something because they just seem really stupid to me this off season.
You guys act like YOU don't carry loaded guns in your car.

Riddle me this: what would you do if someone stole your parking spot at Safeway or the vending machine wouldn't accept your crumpled up $1 bill? Diplomacy? A couple shots will solve the problem; it works for me in Grand Theft Auto.
Avery said:
You guys act like YOU don't carry loaded guns in your car.

Riddle me this: what would you do if someone stole your parking spot at Safeway or the vending machine wouldn't accept your crumpled up $1 bill? Diplomacy? A couple shots will solve the problem; it works for me in Grand Theft Auto.
I always took you for the beating up the cop type in GTA :D
Yeagermeister said:
I always took you for the beating up the cop type in GTA :D
I figured him for the beating up the hooker type...but you might be right. :D
otero1 said:
If I lived in Philadelphia I'd have a loaded gun in my vehicle too. Philly is a rough place.

I grew up in Philly and live right outside of Philly.

Your assessment is wrong.

Philly is a great town with a horrible image. Are there rough areas? Yes.

But there are rough areas in any city.
JackMagist said:
Why would he have a loaded handgun on the dashboard???

On the seat...OK. In the glove compartment...Ok. In the console...OK. But in plain sight on the Dashboard??? How stupid can you get?

Just paint a sign on the door..."I'm a thug...arrest me!".

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

you mean other teams besides the cowboys have players that get arrested?

huh....listening to ea-girls fans you'd never ever know!!!!!!!

(yes, that was all sarcasm)

this is not.....I LOVE NEWS LIKE THIS. :lmao:
Yeagermeister said:
How else are you going to get your money back? :D

I usually just leave the money as my contribution to the community I've taken so much from.
unsigned Eagles first-round draft pick Brodrick Bunkley has been arrested for having a loaded handgun on the dashboard of his car.

The arrest was made by the Delaware River Port Authority on one of the bridges connecting Pennsylvania to New Jersey.

Bunkley was the fourteenth overall pick in the 2006 draft. He currently is unsigned even though the team opened camp earlier this week. The major sticking point reportedly has been the length of the deal -- the team wants six years, and Bunkley's agent, Gary Wichard, will agree only to a five-year term.

ive said it several times, i wouldve never drafted any player in the 1st round with a name like BUNKley
otero1 said:
If I lived in Philadelphia I'd have a loaded gun in my vehicle too. Philly is a rough place.

Philly has its share of violence, but let me tell you, when people get shot and get in trouble 9 times out of 10 its because they are engaging in risky behavior or they have been hanging with someone dangerous.

People just dont walk down the street and decide, hey i think i'll shoot that stranger just because. I have worked in 2 of the roughest parts of the city for a while now, i have had people walk by me and tell me "watch yourself out here" and say things like "your out of your element, you sure your not lost". If you keep your mouth shut and mind your own business, you'll be ok.

But when you hang out with someone whose always arguing and slandering and fighting a group of homeys from some area, you might get shot, guilty by association - someone might decide to make an example out of you. or if you get involved in some drug dealings or try to get over on someone your putting yourself at risk.

The problem is everyone wants to prove how "bad arse" they are. Your in a questionable area and someone gives you some crap, don't turn around and start up with them, just walk away. But young guys cant do that, 15 yr old kid was shot right across the street from a house i'm rehabbing, why ? He got in a fight and beat some guy up, later the guy and his frineds are rolling down the street, the kid is hanging on the corner - walks out and says c'mon i'll kick your butt again and approaches, they pull out a pistol and shoot him in the head, and just keep walking. But why is that 15 year old kid out there trying to be the tough guy of the neighborhood, why is he looking for trouble. Sure, they say he was a good kid and loved by everyone on his block, But he was known for being a fighter and thats what got him in trouble.
BulletBob said:
I grew up in Philly and live right outside of Philly.

Your assessment is wrong.

Philly is a great town with a horrible image. Are there rough areas? Yes.

But there are rough areas in any city.

I have been to Philly a few time. Its a nice city.
Hoov said:
People just dont walk down the street and decide, hey i think i'll shoot that stranger just because. I have worked in 2 of the roughest parts of the city for a while now, i have had people walk by me and tell me "watch yourself out here" and say things like "your out of your element, you sure your not lost". If you keep your mouth shut and mind your own business, you'll be ok.

But when you hang out with someone whose always arguing and slandering and fighting a group of homeys from some area, you might get shot, guilty by association - someone might decide to make an example out of you. or if you get involved in some drug dealings or try to get over on someone your putting yourself at risk.

The problem is everyone wants to prove how "bad arse" they are. Your in a questionable area and someone gives you some crap, don't turn around and start up with them, just walk away. But young guys cant do that, 15 yr old kid was shot right across the street from a house i'm rehabbing, why ? He got in a fight and beat some guy up, later the guy and his frineds are rolling down the street, the kid is hanging on the corner - walks out and says c'mon i'll kick your butt again and approaches, they pull out a pistol and shoot him in the head, and just keep walking. But why is that 15 year old kid out there trying to be the tough guy of the neighborhood, why is he looking for trouble. Sure, they say he was a good kid and loved by everyone on his block, But he was known for being a fighter and thats what got him in trouble.
This would have fit right into a Keith Davis thread...