Plus, the N.F.L. is not college football. In college, the great teams may have 4 guys who are N.F.L. ready. You can be sloppy, lackadaisical, and semi-committed and still put up good stats because of your or your teams talent differential. You can't get away with that in the N.F.L. Everybody has talent. You have to be committed and hone your craft if you want to be great. I saw 2 former Chargers RBs eat their way out of the league - Natrone Means and Jesse Chatman (Chatman signed with someone this offseason). This guy is young and he already has a weight problem. Where is his room to grow? You get bigger as you get older. Where is his room? He has to change his attitude and take his profession seriously. Otherwise he will be just another guy who wasted his talent.