PFT: Pacman “Back to his Old Self?"

PFT claimed there were rumors that he was "making a fool of himself at the local stip clubs" last summer. Nothing became of those rumors.
Nav22;2515058 said:
LOL at those making a big deal of this...

You guys are a sensationalistic journalist's dream.

Doing any kid of celebrating or clubbing after a devastating loss is a "big deal." I don't care if he behaved himself or not.
Doing any kid of celebrating or clubbing after a devastating loss is a "big deal." I don't care if he behaved himself or not.
Who cares if he was clubbing? Different players have different ways to get their minds off of a loss. Dancing can be a major stress reliever, like any other cardio activity.
talking about this on a internet forum is a big deal?
Did you read some of those posts?

"If troo, he needa be banished ASAP!!!!11111"
Nav22;2515109 said:
Who cares if he was clubbing? Different players have different ways to get their minds off of a loss. Dancing can be a major stress reliever, like any other cardio activity.Did you read some of those posts?

"If troo, he needa be banished ASAP!!!!11111"

Everyone should.

Especially those who have millions invested in him.

I want to see Pacman succeed. I don't think he can and its because of his "innocent" club outings.
Nav22;2515058 said:
LOL at those making a big deal of this...

You guys are a sensationalistic journalist's dream.

Sometimes I think you would just be happier if drama followed this team around day and night
Nav22;2515109 said:
Who cares if he was clubbing? Different players have different ways to get their minds off of a loss. Dancing can be a major stress reliever, like any other cardio activity.Did you read some of those posts?

"If troo, he needa be banished ASAP!!!!11111"

Wow. Gross. Nobody said anything like that.

It's like your trying to combine how a cow and a person high on crack would sound like saying that sentence.
has gone from a rumor he went to a club, to a fact he went to a club, to he should be kicked off the team.

Meanwhile, nobody has any evidence he was in a club to begin with.

:huh: ?????
I don't think its realistic to ask a football player or anyone for that matter to stay in doors all day unless your on the practice field or playing a professional game. Pac-Man knows what he can do and what he can't.
He was seen drinking about 7 beers and playing pool. He used the restroom three times. No fights were started but he is definitely back to his "old" self. The lockerroom is now divided. Back to you.
Rack;2514985 said:

Still waiting for some kind of proof, Chocolate Lab, or were you just talking out your arse?
bbgun;2515074 said:
Doing any kid of celebrating or clubbing after a devastating loss is a "big deal." I don't care if he behaved himself or not.

I'm sure almost the whole team went celebrating.
Everyone should.
No. Sorry, but he's a free man and this is America.

If he wants to go to a club, he has that right. So long as he doesn't start any trouble, this is a non-story.
Sometimes I think you would just be happier if drama followed this team around day and night
Hahahaha... "drama"? Pacman allegedly going to a club is "drama"???

The only "drama" with the Dallas Cowboys is created by sensationalistic journalism and gullible fans, like yourself.
Wow. Gross. Nobody said anything like that.
Try post #10 in this thread. It's hardly an original stance on this board.
This is a joke right? Guy went to a club....and nothing of consequence happend?
sacase;2514969 said:
Seriously, he can get kicked out of the league for going to a club?

I am suprised the Dallas Media got scooped on this.

No, not for being in one i don't believe. Only if he gets in some sort of trouble in one. But there in lies the problem with this idiot, if this is even true. When you know you're that close to being gone for good then why even put yourself in situations where that could arise?

I hope the guy isn't that stupid but honestly he's never shown me any reason to believe he's not.
Guess it's now illegal to go to clubs. Just because most of us have no life and sit around on the computer all day and night, doesn't mean everyone wants to sit around and not do anything.

As long as he doesn't get in trouble, I don't care. If he gets in trouble, he's gone. But he can get in trouble away from clubs, so this is a non story.
I'll give Florio credit, and I don't give him credit very often, he did say "there is a rumor." This is unlike Mr. Blue Suit and BSP...err, I mean other ESPN reporters who at the very best take a weak rumor and report it as fact.

Clove;2515811 said:
Guess it's now illegal to go to clubs. Just because most of us have no life and sit around on the computer all day and night, doesn't mean everyone wants to sit around and not do anything.

As long as he doesn't get in trouble, I don't care. If he gets in trouble, he's gone. But he can get in trouble away from clubs, so this is a non story.

Most people who sit around here on the computer, not choosing to go out, could certainly choose to go out with no issue because they don't have histories of being giant screw ups when they do go out.

Adam Jones can't blame anyone but himself for the fact that him just being in a club is asking for trouble because of all the trouble he's gotten himself into while being in places like that.

It's his own fault.

That said, again, I'd like to believe he didn't actually put himself in a situation where he could get into trouble and lose his career but I wouldn't hold my breath on believing that cause he is, in fact, Adam Jones.
Cowboyz88;2514986 said:
If true, then he needs to go.

"If troo, he needa be banished ASAP!!!!11111"

Those two look very different to me. One looks like an opinion the other looks like a mix between a cow and a guy high on crack, as previously described.

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