PFT: Werder on T.O. Snub


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Posted by Mike Florio on October 31, 2008, 2:10 p.m.

In response to the report that Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens gave ESPN’s Ed Werder the Gail Cunningham treatment during a recent Q&A outside T.O.’s locker, we tracked down Werder for his reaction to the situation.

Here’s what Ed had to say. (Given our recent criticisms of ESPN, we were mildly surprised that Ed’s response was anything other than, “Next question.”)

“This seemed to become an issue following the Cowboys’ loss to the Commanders at Texas Stadium,” Werder told us via e-mail, ”when T.O. hinted in his postgame press conference that he did not feel he had been provided enough opportunities in the game. Since we had the opportunity to ask him directly, I did so. He responded he did not have enough opportunities.

“I included that the starting point in my postgame piece. I do not believe he has considered any of the questions I have posed to him since that time. But he has never told me the reason he declines to answer my questions, so the truth is that I do not know his motivation.”

So, as a reader has pointed out, the “next question” routine toward Werder apparently isn’t new. It’s been going on for a while. And for the same reason that the league encourages players to make themselves available to the media generally, we think that the NFL and the Cowboys should remind Mr. Owens that ESPN forks over $1.1 billion per year for the ability to telecast 17 regular-season games on Monday nights.


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we think that the NFL and the Cowboys should remind Mr. Owens that ESPN forks over $1.1 billion per year for the ability to telecast 17 regular-season games on Monday nights.

I guess they feel like that gives them a "right" to trot out a bunch of idiots to broadcast and comment on the games.
Good for them. I rarely watch MNF since they got it. And I can count the number of times I have watched sportscenter in the last 8 years on one hand.
espn got too big for themselves. Only problem is they still haven't figured that out.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Werder told us via e-mail, ”when T.O. hinted in his postgame press conference that he did not feel he had been provided enough opportunities in the game. Since we had the opportunity to ask him directly, I did so. He responded he did not have enough opportunities.

“I included that the starting point in my postgame piece. I do not believe he has considered any of the questions I have posed to him since that time. But he has never told me the reason he declines to answer my questions, so the truth is that I do not know his motivation.”
That's pure ESPN speak right there. "I do not know his motivation." Owens motivation is clear. Whether he has been treated fairly or not, he hasn't appreciated Werder's reporting and/or commentary of his statements. Werder knows that. Everyone with a brain knows that.
So, as a reader has pointed out, the “next question” routine toward Werder apparently isn’t new. It’s been going on for a while. And for the same reason that the league encourages players to make themselves available to the media generally, we think that the NFL and the Cowboys should remind Mr. Owens that ESPN forks over $1.1 billion per year for the ability to telecast 17 regular-season games on Monday nights.
That's BS. Per the league, the players have a responsibility to speak to the media. They do not have to speak to certain members or networks of the media.


1st Round Pick
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Ed Werder knows EXACTLY why Owens is blowing him off and its his own fault.


Pixel Pusher
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WoodysGirl;2387256 said:
So, as a reader has pointed out, the “next question” routine toward Werder apparently isn’t new. It’s been going on for a while. And for the same reason that the league encourages players to make themselves available to the media generally, we think that the NFL and the Cowboys should remind Mr. Owens that ESPN forks over $1.1 billion per year for the ability to telecast 17 regular-season games on Monday nights.

Someone should also probably point out that no one at ESPN would have a job without the players.

Word Mofo

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Somebody at PFT has the anti-T.O. schtick down already. Gunning for a job at ESPN, are we???


Lightning Rod
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so on the one hand, Owens is wrong for wanting too much face time and then he is wrong for not talking to the media.

methinks he cannot win.


Fattening up
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Hypnotoad;2387270 said:
This guy is an idiot.

TO is not breaking any rules.

Your not convinced by the argument that TO's going to end up underexposed on ESPN?


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WoodysGirl;2387256 said:
And for the same reason that the league encourages players to make themselves available to the media generally, we think that the NFL and the Cowboys should remind Mr. Owens that ESPN forks over $1.1 billion per year for the ability to telecast 17 regular-season games on Monday nights.

Yeah Florio, let's have the league come to Owens and force him to talk.

His not talking to Werder has zip to do with Monday Night Football.

ESPN can go hang.

If the league wants to act, let them put the pressure on ESPN for their disgusting, tabloid 'journalism'.

They paint the league in a bad light every chance they get.



Cowboys 24/7/365
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It's funny. ESPN wants players to speak to them on demand since they're paying the league a billion dollars. At the same time, ESPN subscribers (a.k.a. folks who comprise a significant portion of their operating revenue outside of paid advertisers) want ESPN to provide them with real football news and not contrived drama very 15 seconds on SportsCenter. Oh, the irony...


Messenger to the football Gods
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that ESPN forks over $1.1 billion per year for the ability to telecast 17 regular-season games on Monday nights.

Not my fault you got ripped off..................and it's not "ability" it's "luxury". Like you aren't making a ton of cash off the project. NOBODY gives away billions of dollars so you can end the back-patting. Werder goes where I don't want him to go. Even after asking him not to. His questiong is along the lines of baiting and I refuse to volley this game with him.




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CATCH17;2387274 said:
Ed Werder knows EXACTLY why Owens is blowing him off and its his own fault.

Quite obviously.... the whole "I dont know why BS" fricking guy... lol

I think TO should take the next step and have a bunch of canned answers for Ed Werder.

Ed: So To are you frustrated with only 2 catches today?
TO: Thats 2 more than I had before the game

Ed: Are you mad that Roy got all that money?
TO: I am just glad that YOU didnt get that money.

Ed: Who's your [strike]daddy[/strike] QB?
TO: Tony Romo!



Unfriendly and Aloof!
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WoodysGirl;2387256 said:

Posted by Mike Florio on October 31, 2008, 2:10 p.m.

In response to the report that Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens gave ESPN’s Ed Werder the Gail Cunningham treatment during a recent Q&A outside T.O.’s locker, we tracked down Werder for his reaction to the situation.

Here’s what Ed had to say. (Given our recent criticisms of ESPN, we were mildly surprised that Ed’s response was anything other than, “Next question.”)

“This seemed to become an issue following the Cowboys’ loss to the Commanders at Texas Stadium,” Werder told us via e-mail, ”when T.O. hinted in his postgame press conference that he did not feel he had been provided enough opportunities in the game. Since we had the opportunity to ask him directly, I did so. He responded he did not have enough opportunities.

“I included that the starting point in my postgame piece. I do not believe he has considered any of the questions I have posed to him since that time. But he has never told me the reason he declines to answer my questions, so the truth is that I do not know his motivation.”

So, as a reader has pointed out, the “next question” routine toward Werder apparently isn’t new. It’s been going on for a while. And for the same reason that the league encourages players to make themselves available to the media generally, we think that the NFL and the Cowboys should remind Mr. Owens that ESPN forks over $1.1 billion per year for the ability to telecast 17 regular-season games on Monday nights.

So what you're saying is if you give me $500 I should let you beat my children with a bat?

....umm, I think not.


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Other than MNF, I have not watched any ESPN for months because they simply have become more tabloid like TMZ. Seems like all those talking heads on ESPN always try to out-shout each other. And even when I watched MNF I mute those 3 clowns off. ESPN content absolutely sucks not to mentioned they are irresponsible yellow journalists for always trying stir up controversy about the Cowboys and more particularly TO.


Drink Me
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:espn: :espn:

Bspn is garbage.
I hate how every time i see a clip of TO he's causing some sort of "disruption" or "pouting" or hes "a cancer"
get off the agenda please


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LOL! Werder is saying that cause he's clearly frustrated by the fact that Owens will no longer talk to him. TO is the big sound byte for ESPN and he's the guy covering the Cowboys for ESPN and he can't get the sound bytes they want. This is no doubt bugging him cause it's causing him to fail at the agenda that ESPN has for him there.