News: PFT: Without Cowboys, 2024 Wild Card games see ratings dip

This is exactly why everyone should know the NFL isnt scripted/rigged. We would have been back to the Super Bowl by now, probably multiple times. There would of been another Cowboys-Steelers SB, probably a Cowboys-Patriots also. At least.
This is awesome! What’s lower than a dip because after the next couple of seasons it’s headed further south.


The 4:30 p.m. ET game averaged 35.6 million on Fox. Last year, Packers-Cowboys in the same window drew 40.2 million. (Yes, the Cowboys still draw.)
Also, this year’s Wild Card rounds didn’t include two of the biggest draws: the Cowboys and the Chiefs.
so this means cowboys will be in playoffs next year....and then a quick exit. perhaps, they will milk it so we get to the second round?
Yea, this past weekend of Wildcard games were pretty horrible matchups for the most part
There's millions in CA that aren't bothering with TV right now, and millions others watching more important events in the world/country that weren't happening last year.

But typical Jerry-Dallas fans, always assumes every event is a result of something they do.

ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!!
