yeah this is entertainingI knew I should have gone away and done something else. Now it's a car wreck I can't look away from.
Everyone walk out...
How can he be back next week. This was seriously a pathetic game - and not just on the players.Such horrible coaching decisions will force Jerry to fire Mike McCarthy???
He’s badLance must really be bad.
We don’t know what fits MM offenseThe problem with Lance is he does not fit MM’s offense. He is an option running quarterback. The offense needs to be changed for him. Rush is just not an NFL quarterback. He has a Babe Lafenburger arm.
Because he cant throw and on 2nd and 16 you have to throw. Just remember as bad as Rush is at throwing Lance is even worse.The entire crowd was getting hyped up for Lance. Why take him out?? Especially since the ball was moving forward
Oh no I've seen better flag football than thisThis offense is like watching your drunk uncle deep fry a turkey indoors
and a GMwe need a QB
I would put a stop pay on it for services not rendered.McCarthy's next check will be mailed.
Why ?Definitely! Someone needs to write a sign saying "Put Lance in or we walk"
Still better than RushThe problem with Lance is he does not fit MM’s offense. He is an option running quarterback. The offense needs to be changed for him. Rush is just not an NFL quarterback. He has a Babe Lafenburger arm.