I personally think everyone should get shot with a Police grade tazer for a few seconds. That way they can realize it's not such a big deal and I can stop hearing about people being tazed all the time, and how awful it is.
Everyone crying like a little ***** after being tazed in those videos are simply putting on a show
I've been tazed purposefully by my cop buddy. It dropped me to the ground instantly and while it certainly "hurts", it's not the big deal everyone makes it out to be. It just leaves you a bit dazed for a few minutes. The only lasting pain is where the prongs stick you, and that's barely noticeable.
I'll end with a quote I like
“If they don’t want them (police) using guns and they don’t want them using batons, then a Taser seems to be the best scenario. ... The easiest answer to that is when the police tell you to stop, a person should stop and a Taser would never occur.”
I've never seen a taser video where the person who got tazed did not first ignore a police officers' commands/warnings several times.