Philly Eagles "HATE" Thread


7 Years of College Down the Drain
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man I almost forgot, since we were bashing them earlier this weak.

Some of these are repeats from me last year, but that is the reason I hate them:

1. "Broke the Liberty Bell"

Now how ignorant can you be to break one of the greatest symbols of American History??? You must be from Philly, nuf said.

2. Batteries in Snowballs

Throwing snowballs at one of the greatest coaches of all time. And you were even beating us in the Game!!! I hate your Bad DNA, it must be eliminated

3. The Fans

I hate them because they are all the retards from the mental institution. They load them up with Zanex, and put a beer in they hands. Screw Them!

I do have a solution to our woes. This is what we should do to Philadelphia



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- They think just because they have done it 5 out of 6 times, its predetermined that they will do it again.

- They are responsible for the surge in east coast drug trafficking


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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The question is how in hell does Philly get the name City of Brotherly Love? That is downright preposterous. The entire city acts as it's in a state of post holocaustic anarchy. The US government should drop roach motels all over the city to irradicate the citizens of Philadelphia or more particularly Eagle fans in general.


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nyc;1740507 said:
The question is how in hell does Philly get the name City of Brotherly Love? That is downright preposterous.

It's not a description of the citizens, it's the Greek derivation of the name:

Philadelphia: From two Greek words meaning "loved or friendly" and "brother," applied as "brotherly love."


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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onetrickpony;1740514 said:
It's not a description of the citizens, it's the Greek derivation of the name:

Philadelphia: From two Greek words meaning "loved or friendly" and "brother," applied as "brotherly love."

Again, how in hell does Philly get the name City of Brotherly Love? :laugh2:


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onetrickpony;1740514 said:
It's not a description of the citizens, it's the Greek derivation of the name:

Philadelphia: From two Greek words meaning "loved or friendly" and "brother," applied as "brotherly love."

They named it the "city of brotherly love" but they built the first penitentiary prison in the country there and other cities sent their criminals there to try to change them. Look how that turned out, city full of hoodlums who should be in prison. PHILLY HATE!


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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It not the City of Brotherly Love...It's the city of Brotherly Shove.

If it weren't for Geno's and Pat's and Tony Luc's the place could be wiped off the face of the map and it wouldn't be missed. Except for the historical aspect of the City, it's worthless.


The Duke
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It is about time for this thread. I will let the smileys do my talking.








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nyc;1740507 said:
The question is how in hell does Philly get the name City of Brotherly Love?

That sounds like it should be the name for San Francisco.


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Cajuncowboy;1740591 said:
It not the City of Brotherly Love...It's the city of Brotherly Shove.

If it weren't for Geno's and Pat's and Tony Luc's the place could be wiped off the face of the map and it wouldn't be missed. Except for the historical aspect of the City, it's worthless.

Cajun, it sounds like you've been there before. I spent a few years in Philly and went to college there. They've tried to improve the city's waterfront district but I get nauseous every time I have to step foot there. It's a filthy and crime ridden city.

Unfortunately, I was there the other day hanging out at some watering hole in center city. I had to step outside to take a phone call and was milling around for about ten minutes when one thing struck me as completely odd and depressing.....I honestly didn't see one pretty woman walking by in center city Philly....NOT ONE!!! People are walking by talking to themselves, dressed all weird and looking nutty. So I go back into the bar with a morbid look on my face when the bar maid asked me if everything was alright. Now, she was no looker by any stretch but I tried to be diplomatic; I told her I was outside and didn't see one pretty woman like her...NOT ONE!!! Without missing a beat and with no hint of shame or embarrassment in her voice, she told me that Philly was just voted as having the ugliest people in honor they most truly deserve.


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nyc;1740523 said:
Again, how in hell does Philly get the name City of Brotherly Love? :laugh2:

I looked in the wrong dictionary. Here's the real scoop:

phil=fill, make full of
delf=quarry, a big hole
ia=suffix indicating a town.

Put it together= town filled with big * holes

Yup, that's Philly...



7 Years of College Down the Drain
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DC_Addict;1740612 said:
That sounds like it should be the name for San Francisco.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Genious response of the MONTH!!!!


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Dodger12;1740629 said:
Cajun, it sounds like you've been there before. I spent a few years in Philly and went to college there. They've tried to improve the city's waterfront district but I get nauseous every time I have to step foot there. It's a filthy and crime ridden city.

Unfortunately, I was there the other day hanging out at some watering hole in center city. I had to step outside to take a phone call and was milling around for about ten minutes when one thing struck me as completely odd and depressing.....I honestly didn't see one pretty woman walking by in center city Philly....NOT ONE!!! People are walking by talking to themselves, dressed all weird and looking nutty. So I go back into the bar with a morbid look on my face when the bar maid asked me if everything was alright. Now, she was no looker by any stretch but I tried to be diplomatic; I told her I was outside and didn't see one pretty woman like her...NOT ONE!!! Without missing a beat and with no hint of shame or embarrassment in her voice, she told me that Philly was just voted as having the ugliest people in honor they most truly deserve.

Yes, I used to live outside of Philly in Lansdale. One of the companies I owned was in Philly and the facility that manufactured the product was in the 7th and Tasker area of South Philly. The place was, is and always will be a steaming hell hole. I have never been to a city that smelled that bad, looked that bad and acted that bad. The city officials don't care to do anything to change the inner city other than complain and the Philly cops are afraid to take any proactive measures to stop the crime.

They give them lip service but that's about it. Truly an awful place to live. Kinda like Baghdad but with more violence.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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onetrickpony;1740514 said:
It's not a description of the citizens, it's the Greek derivation of the name:

Philadelphia: From two Greek words meaning "loved or friendly" and "brother," applied as "brotherly love."

And we all know what the Greeks considered "brotherly love" back in the day.:D

Their fans are scumbags that show no class whatsoever.


7 Years of College Down the Drain
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is this the Brotherly Love or Shove Philly is talking about?


(sorry about that, LOL. It is the Eagles ya know)


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Cajuncowboy;1740646 said:
Yes, I used to live outside of Philly in Lansdale. One of the companies I owned was in Philly and the facility that manufactured the product was in the 7th and Tasker area of South Philly. The place was, is and always will be a steaming hell hole. I have never been to a city that smelled that bad, looked that bad and acted that bad. The city officials don't care to do anything to change the inner city other than complain and the Philly cops are afraid to take any proactive measures to stop the crime.

They give them lip service but that's about it. Truly an awful place to live. Kinda like Baghdad but with more violence.

The worst rated place in the US to live in Camden, NJ. While New Jersey in general is a **** hole, Camden is the worst because it's a suburb of Philly! Anything that mixes Philly and New Jersey would give hell a run for it's money as the absolute worst!


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Cajuncowboy;1740591 said:
It not the City of Brotherly Love...It's the city of Brotherly Shove.

If it weren't for Geno's and Pat's and Tony Luc's the place could be wiped off the face of the map and it wouldn't be missed. Except for the historical aspect of the City, it's worthless.

You have no clue on what you're talking about.

I live in South Philly, so I know what it's like. You have the good and the bad neighborhoods. Every single city and town has them. So don't come on here trying to say that mostly every single part of Philly is bad, because it's definitely not. I've lived here 20 years and I love it.


7 Years of College Down the Drain
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Timbo2st;1740774 said:
You have no clue on what you're talking about.

I live in South Philly, so I know what it's like. You have the good and the bad neighborhoods. Every single city and town has them. So don't come on here trying to say that mostly every single part of Philly is bad, because it's definitely not. I've lived here 20 years and I love it.

it's because you don't know any better.




Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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Timbo2st;1740774 said:
You have no clue on what you're talking about.

I live in South Philly, so I know what it's like. You have the good and the bad neighborhoods. Every single city and town has them. So don't come on here trying to say that mostly every single part of Philly is bad, because it's definitely not. I've lived here 20 years and I love it.

Really? I have sent the city of Philly more tax money in 10 years than most will in their entire lives in the city. I have no clue? First off, you need to read a bit more clearly. I did say there was some redeeming quality. The American history, the cheese Steaks but that's about it. I couldn't even get to one of my business' in south Philly without carrying a gun. I have friends who still live in the burbs up there and they say it's still a hell hole.It doesn't change because they don't elect anyone with any nads that will do anything. They like the victim mentality. The city is a far cry from the "blue collar" crowd they like to portray.

And I will come on here and say what I know to be true. And since you have lived there for 20 years and "Love it" you must be 20 years old and have never been out of Philly.

If you beat a dog enough with a stick, they will come to love it as well if you give them a bone each time.

EDIT: Nuff Said!


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Timbo2st;1740774 said:
I've lived here 20 years and I love it.

My wife and I call it the "Ragu Effect". When all a person has ever had is Ragu spaghetti sauce, they think Ragu is good. Same thing applies to using TripAdvisor. You go check out a resort on TripAdvisor and see it has 5 stars, then you go to the resort and you find that it's a bottom rung 4 star and closer to a 3 star hotel. Why do so many people call it a 5 star? Because the best place they have probably stayed was a Days Inn motel. :laugh2:

Now, a Days Inn would be a upgrade to Philadelphia! :laugh2:

I've actually stayed at the Lowes Philadelphia. I've always known the Lowes to be nice hotels (The Lowes Hotel Vogue in Montreal is incredible), but the Lowes in Philly was a pile of ****.