I almost got into a fight in the movie theatre for something similar. I was with my mom and sister during the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks on christmas day 8 years ago. These two guys were talking at normal conversational level . They were this way during the previews but when the movie started they didn't stop. I gave them until about 20 minutes into the film and decided to say something I turned around and politely said in a nice tone ("I don't mean to be rude but could you guys keep it down just a bit") The guy responded: "I'm sorry I can't hear you, what did you say" and he kept asking me to say it so that I would say it louder and louder" just to be an ******. I just told him that he knew what i said and just please keep it down. He kept it down the rest of the movie but I'm suprised the guy had the audacity to be such a jerk aboutit when I was asking him politely especially during a packed theatre during Christmas in a nice area of the city. Some people have no respect.