dargonking999 said:haha his hand in the second to last picture makes him seem so umm "differnet" yea thats a good word
Letemburn said:May i ask how thats funny?
Yeagermeister said:In the last pic he finally realizes he's no longer playing against Roy
Bizwah said:Nice pictures really......
But if this is all we get from TC....as far as pics go.....it sucks.
I don't want 85 pictures of TO every stinking day.
There are other players on this team. We keep hearing how much bigger Canty and Ware are.....let's see them. We hear that Pettiti is slimmer...let's see it.
I hope DMN and other media types post a few regular player picks along with their obligatory TO pics. I know most of America wants TO in a Cowboys' uni, but throw us a bone.
dargonking999 said:come on now, we've had about 85,000 threads of TO, do you really expect see something other than TO in Pics ,
j/k have faith in our zone members, it shall be done
Bizwah said:Oh, I have faith in the Zone members.
It's just that the national and Dallas media have done nothing but TO.
WoodysGirl said:He still looks weird in the 'boys uni.