Playoff wins since 2000


The "hmmm" indicates you had a point you wanted people to think about.

When you went "hmmm"....what is it you concluded with your "observation"?
When I observe things I tend to go “hmmmm”. When I make statements….I don’t go “hmmm”… I said it was an observation. The real question is why do you care if I slander the Eagles?
When I observe things I tend to go “hmmmm”. When I make statements….I don’t go “hmmm”… I said it was an observation. The real question is why do you care if I slander the Eagles?
Well okay then. We are finally getting somewhere. Your intent or point was only to stomp e gals.

I approve!
At least we're talking about the team no matter how pathetic, that's what winning looks like to Jerry.
Funny thing is if they go on a posy season run this year the would then be in the top half...the Patriots with that many wins is just mind blowing

Well when you have trash teams like the Dolphins, Jets, and Bills during those years.... You're automatically in the playoffs after the last preseason game.
All those playoff wins and Eagles have one ring to show for it. Would've thought they would have 5 rings by now.
Shows you what having a big game QB means. McNabb racked up a lot of those Philly wins....but never could win the big one.

McNabb similar to Dak....but kind of a supped up version of Dak...always losing in Championship games or SuperBowl, whereas Dak comes up small one round earlier.
One quarter of Tampa Bay's wins are Superbowl victories. Better percentage than the Pats!

(Don't check my maffs on can trust me....I wouldn't steer u wrong)
Look another fan of the troll Fallen Star. Calling someone else immature while you defend a guy who logs on here to collect internet likes. Amazing
I mean damn and then Steve will pretend like he doesn’t understand why I say he’s a troll. He probably doesn’t even realize the post he’s replying to is a troll job lol.
This showcases his real intent here. Just fight and argue....some silly crusade. Immature indeed.
My real intent? You’re so naive and gullible you don’t even realize Risen the biggest troll on this site was trolling me but I’m the one trying to fight and argue.

Imagine me saying Eagles only having one ring starting a fight on a Cowboys board? You guys are so lost and you troll bigger and better than anyone could imagine.

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