Please explain something to me


Injured Reserve
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CanadianCowboysFan;2394025 said:
that isn't an answer. because we had BJ and BB, we had no chance according to most so the fact we lost should be seen like the sun rising every day, a certainty.
Well that is the answer for me. I was already under the impression that we should have done a better job finding a real backup QB than we did before the game even started and was also under the impression that this team lacks serious discipline. Seeing the game play out like it did just validated my thoughts.


Double Trouble
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CanadianCowboysFan;2393975 said:
The consensus on this board, in the media, NFL insiders etc was that we had no chance whatsoever today with BJ and BB at QB and our injuries on defence and to Felix.

Why then when it came true as it was supposed to, people are complaining?

If you know something will happen, why complain when it does?
I don't know...same reason fans think that a team that hasn't been better than .500 for almost a full season now is a given for the playoffs?


NFL Historian
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theebs;2394066 said:
For some of us, that game last week was more an indictment on the tampa offense than a highlight of the dallas defense.

We can not beat a competent qb or running back unless romo plays at a high level.
The same Tampa offense that scored 30 points today?


Lightning Rod
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Double Trouble;2394085 said:
I don't know...same reason fans think that a team that hasn't been better than .500 for almost a full season now is a given for the playoffs?

hope springs eternal ;)


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Hostile;2394073 said:
Patrick Watkins doesn't count as an injury?

Anthony Henry's deep thigh bruise?

Anthony Spencer just back from injury this week?

Kevin Burnett just back last week?

Plus Pacman's suspension. Like him or hate him, he was a starter.

I doubt the Defense agrees on Roy, but I am his last supporter. I'll turn out the light when i leave the room.

All those guys played. Henry looked fine to me as did spencer and burnett who has been back for 3 weeks. Watkins didnt seem to get any snaps on defense today. They must be limiting him so he doesnt reinjure that neck.

but I am sorry, if anyone thinks we lost today because we were missing newman and pacman, go watch the Commanders game because we got run over that day too and last I checked they both played.

We can not beat a competent offense. This defense has played this way for 3 years. Now with the additon of tank and the subtraction of ferguson we can not stop the run for 4 quarters.

and as we get further down the road the defensive coaches will continue to be inferior to the previous ones. This staff isnt very good and when the players are treated like celebrities it is a bad mix.

Reality is a kick in the nads. We are a poor team. We are a poor team with a tremendous set of offensive skill players. Sometimes those guys can bail out the rest of the team and the rest of the time the team looks like what it is.


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Hostile;2393990 said:
It's a valid question that will not likely get a rational response after a loss. I would try, but I don't have any answers beyond I don't believe we'll make a move at QB. I mean who is there? Tim Rattay? Yeah, he solves the problems.

What happened to Clint Stoerner? He's mobile and can!

If this line doesn't block and stop there nonsense penalties Romo will continue where he left off, sacked, fumbling, throwing int's, and in tough positions like 3rd and 15.


Injured Reserve
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theebs;2394122 said:
All those guys played. Henry looked fine to me as did spencer and burnett who has been back for 3 weeks. Watkins didnt seem to get any snaps on defense today. They must be limiting him so he doesnt reinjure that neck.

but I am sorry, if anyone thinks we lost today because we were missing newman and pacman, go watch the Commanders game because we got run over that day too and last I checked they both played.

We can not beat a competent offense. This defense has played this way for 3 years. Now with the additon of tank and the subtraction of ferguson we can not stop the run for 4 quarters.

and as we get further down the road the defensive coaches will continue to be inferior to the previous ones. This staff isnt very good and when the players are treated like celebrities it is a bad mix.

Reality is a kick in the nads. We are a poor team. We are a poor team with a tremendous set of offensive skill players. Sometimes those guys can bail out the rest of the team and the rest of the time the team looks like what it is.
It's hard not to agree with that. Like I said before, this team just isn't very good.


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Because losing because the other team is better is not a disgrace. Losing because your team commits the same penalties week-in and week-out and because players flat out give up is a disgrace.

I expected a loss today.

However, I guess I got my hopes up in thinking that the penalties would be reduced and Dallas would play sound football, albeit, less capable football.

Didn't happen. Just more of the same lousy, uninspired, sloppy play.


NFL Historian
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theebs;2394127 said:
Yes that same one.
So we're better than a 6-3 team?

We cannot beat a competent offense? Yet Tampa scored 30 points today. Do incompetent offenses score 30 points?

Seems like you've been a bit contradictory as of late.


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windward;2394237 said:
So we're better than a 6-3 team?

Seems like you've been a bit contradictory as of late.

We are better than tampa. Tampa is not very good, I think they stink.

And us being better than tampa is not saying much.

Having to come back to beat kc is nothing to be proud of.

You can call me whatever you want. We are not a good team, nor is tampa. And tampa coming back to beat kc proves nothing to me.