Great video! I love it! Mama Bear. Don't mess with a woman's family. Thank goodness her husband/boyfriend/older son (hard to tell age from so far away) is a big guy, too, and was able to put the dude in a headlock. That guy would have took off running if it weren't for him. Hero! He's a hero! I hope the mayor gives him a Key to the City!
But, her/their son was stumbling around, clutching his chest, he couldn't even stand up. I sure hope he is alright now. I feel terrible for him. He looked so shaken up. Poor baby. That maniac deserved to be drop kicked in the gonads for every sleepless night that baby was gonna have after that. I wish Mama had of done that. At least once! lol. Does anybody know WHY he was running from the cops in the first place??
I never did see anyone get out of the black SUV, that he hit the hardest, it went sailing to the other side of the intersection. And the camera never panned over to them. I sure hope they are alright!