Poll: Who are the best Cowboys news writers

Randy Galloway is easily the best, the most opinionated and articulate, as is reflected in his payday and in his stature across the country, both of which are lofty. He was terrific during his days as the Texas Rangers beat guy, and he is a gifted columnist with a wide network of connections. I happen to think he is also a witty writer, though preferences with regard to writing style obviously are subjective. Some folks, not all, do forget that he is paid to give his opinion. His role is very different than that of a beat guy.

Rick Gosselin is very good, and I like both JFE and Clarence Hill.
I think it's important to separate the beat writers and reporters from the columnists.

Someone posted that the columnists just write their opinion. That's what they're paid to do.

Jennifer is the best day-to-day reporter covering the team in my opinion. I give her high marks especially for creativity. She often comes up with angles that the others don't see. She combines the work ethic with talent as a writer.

I thought Rafael Vela was OK, until I started reading his stuff closer. He misspelled three names in one particular article a couple of weeks ago. That's inexcusable for a reporter on any level.

I think Clarence Hill is solid. Nothing spectacular here, but he's not bad.

JJT ... bless his heart. He could be OK, but he really strikes me as lazy. I don't know what he would do without the stacks of information the Cowboys media relations department cranks out. His basic writing skills are fine, but he's not creative and he rarely finds an angle that's different or interesting.

Gosselin is a very solid NFL reporter. He has good sources around the league and his writing is solid. Of the other DMN guys, none of them really stand out in my mind.

The team website writers are pretty solid. I've known Dale for about five or six years and he really has a lot of talent, plus the desire to get better. He's outstanding.

Regarding the columnists, it's mainly a matter of taste. I'm not a big fan of any of the local guys, really. I still enjoy reading Frank Luksa's work and I think Kevin Sherrington is pretty solid.

Randy Galloway tries to be hard-core, but he doesn't come that strong. His takes are generally weak. Cowlishaw is hit or miss with me. Blackistone is weak, IMO.

I think Spagnola is a better reporter than he is a columnist. He's a good information guy, but his combative, condescending attitude is just too much for me in his columns.
The best writer, by far, is Luksa, followed by Galloway. Unfortunately, their opinions carry little credibility, and they don't even try to be reporters (ie., gathering and reporting information).

Gosselin is by far the best reporter and is a good writer. But he has too many times when his evaluations are not only laughable, they're based on entirely faulty logic. If he shared his sources' opinions all of the time and his own opinions none of the time, he'd probably be the most useful NFL writer in the country.

JFE and Hill are decent reporters and average writers. JFE's problem, which is evident if you listen to the press conferences, is that she seems to choose a topic, then fish for news about it -- instead of vice-versa. Hill is mostly innocuous, but he has occasional flashes of brilliance. Neither of them shares their opinion very often.

JJT is a mediocre reporter, is a below-average writer and has mostly worthless opinions. Why a paper like the DMN hasn't replaced him yet is beyond me.

Spagnola is a below-average reporter (or maybe he's just kept on a leash as a team employee), is an embarrassingly horrible writer and has tired, predictable opinions. Eatman is an average reporter, is a below-average writer and doesn't share many opinions. Chad/Dale honestly seems to be the best writer at the official site. (Now let's see him get a crack at reporting and opinions.) Chad/Dale also seems to be one of the few who understand what fans want to see from a training camp daily report -- probably because he's the most in-touch with the fans.

Anyone else -- I really haven't formed an opinion yet.
Cbz40 said:
Yea...I guess he does have his moments

Morning Jack......Morning Sarge

Afternoon Pops.

JackMagist said:
Hill has some ok stuff and so does Blackistone but neither are on my must read list. Galloway is fit for the floor of the birdcage. And JJT just seems to be off the mark consistently with crap like his Quincy love. JJT seems to get an idea and no matter how much he is proven wrong he just keeps harping on it. But he does write the occasional article worth reading.
Yea, agree totally. I avoid reading JJT's stuff. I think he pays the Cowboy's for info.
He claims to be friends with various players (such as Quincy Carter and Morgan), but
I seriously doubt it. He's totally anti-Cowboys along with Gosselin.