Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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Crown Royal said:
Now I must have you. :D

Forget it. She's mine.
lanecity1975 said:
here is our younguns........... jr. is 15 now, he was born with autism, his umbilical cord was in a knot tied around his neck at birth. he was born blue, he has come a long way. joseph is 10, he is pure, 100%, boy!
went straight from crawling to running, and is very sly.... like a fox.look at that goofy expression he got!


fine looking boys... and Juke is right... Jr. looks just like you...
Hostile said:
My friend who took this a hell of a good DJ but a lousy shutterbug.

That's me and Randy "Macho Man" Savage at KLPX 96.1 radio station in Tucson, AZ.

I did a couple of celebrity voice impersonations for some ads there and Randy was one of them. I got to mimic him on the air. He loved it. Great guy. Really down to earth.

OK no more bastid jokes :D
Juke99 said:
My imagination, or does the boy on the left look exactly like you???

Cute kids...

ty juke, my wife puts it this way..............

jr has her face plastered on my skull

joey has my face plastered on hers
LaTunaNostra said:
Forget it. She's mine.
LOL... :D

Hey Latuna, I see you joined the party... U wanna drop an ol pic of you on here like I

Plus like Duane, I didn't post a closeup. Didn't wanna ruin anybody's
lanecity1975 said:
ty juke, my wife puts it this way..............

jr has her face plastered on my skull

joey has my face plastered on hers

Well, regardless of who is plastered (that would likely be Billy Bullocks based on his pictures)'s a heck of a nice looking family.

Woody'sGirl said:
LOL... :D

Hey Latuna, I see you joined the party... U wanna drop an ol pic of you on here like I

Plus like Duane, I didn't post a closeup. Didn't wanna ruin anybody's
TH just made me aware of this thread.

Real people- good stuff. You got the best curves, tho. :)

I had my pic up on my profile page on the old board for almost a year. Plus TH has one. :) I'll send you one if you IM me your email addy.
Woody'sGirl said:
LOL... :D

Hey Latuna, I see you joined the party... U wanna drop an ol pic of you on here like I

Plus like Duane, I didn't post a closeup. Didn't wanna ruin anybody's
She once sent me one of herself holding a football while she was pregnant. Girl is tiny. Dynamite definitely comes in small packages with her.
LaTunaNostra said:
TH just made me aware of this thread.

Real people- good stuff. You got the best curves, tho. :)

I had my pic up on my profile page on the old board for almost a year. Plus TH has one. :) I'll send you one if you IM me your email addy.

Me too?

LaTunaNostra said:
TH just made me aware of this thread.

Real people- good stuff. You got the best curves, tho. :)

I had my pic up on my profile page on the old board for almost a year. Plus TH has one. :) I'll send you one if you IM me your email addy.
Yeah this thread is extremely interesting...:D Matching faces to names. Can't be an internet tough girl anymore...:p:

PM is on the way.:)
Hostile said:
She once sent me one of herself holding a football while she was pregnant. Girl is tiny. Dynamite definitely comes in small packages with her.
This board requires a fiery persona... Gotta be able to hold your own around all these chest pumping testosterony dudes...:D
LaTunaNostra said:
TH just made me aware of this thread.

Real people- good stuff. You got the best curves, tho. :)

I had my pic up on my profile page on the old board for almost a year. Plus TH has one. :) I'll send you one if you IM me your email addy.

I remember that pic... looking out into the ocean weren't you?
Duane said:
It takes a lot of balls to post good pictures of yourself on the net.

This pic was taken about 5 mins ago.


And as long as we're showing the kids. Here's a pic of my daughter getting ready for the prom.


this is great, got to see a pic. of dan............. cool

i think i speak for the whole forum when i say you have one beautiful daughter. good job dan...................
Ok this is a warning to get all small kids out of the room before they see my picture

DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeagermeister said:


Peer pressure finally got to u, huh? We're all family here. :)
Woody'sGirl said:

Peer pressure finally got to u, huh? We're all family here. :)

Yeagermeister said:
Ok this is a warning to get all small kids out of the room before they see my picture

DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That wasn't NEAR enough warning...
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