Post Pictures of Yourself and/or Family

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RoyWillisill said:
Here's me..sorry the quality is kind of crappy. :(
You cropped out the police board with your name on it :D
Yeagermeister said:
You cropped out the police board with your name on it :D
:laugh2: And the ruler next to him showing his height...LOL or is above him. Shows I've never been in jail. Need to watch more "Law and Order"
Yeagermeister said:
You cropped out the police board with your name on it :D

Ahh you beat me too it...I was going to say it looked like a Mug shot. :D
Yeagermeister said:
Slowing down in your old age :D

Sadly yes.

I used to tell the wife I had a mind like a steel it is all rusty. :(
Yeagermeister said:
I hear shaving helps :D

I am NOT shaving my legs, back, arms, chest nor my goatee.

So there.

:moon: that i look at it, it sure does look like a mug shot. Bastids.. :)
I already have some beef with you WG...don't make anymore :)..... so i'm short you don't have to bring up the ruler thing ;) i'm 5'8 so it could be a lot worse.
RoyWillisill said:
I already have some beef with you WG...don't make anymore :)..... so i'm short you don't have to bring up the ruler thing ;) i'm 5'8 so it could be a lot worse.
Oh cry me a river, Roy...:cry2: I would think you'd be over your heartbrokeness by now...:D

5'8" is tall, sort of.. I'm 5'8" but I can wear heels to compensate...:D
Woody'sGirl said:
Oh cry me a river, Roy...:cry2: I would think you'd be over your heartbrokeness by now...:D

5'8" is tall, sort of.. I'm 5'8" but I can wear heels to compensate...:D
**cough cough** 6'1 **cough cough** :D
Woody'sGirl said:
Oh cry me a river, Roy...:cry2: I would think you'd be over your heartbrokeness by now...:D

5'8" is tall, sort of.. I'm 5'8" but I can wear heels to compensate...:D
So can he. :omg:

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I have not watched the show, just seen previews of it, however I agree with you on the Exile cycles...they go so far with boredom and no flash.

Now his brakes and clutch in the handlebars/grips is pretty inovative but over all the bikes look boring.

The only one I have seen that I thought stood out was the Trike he made with those huge tires on the back.
Liked the trike, but once again, solid black.

I like the bikes that every inch of them is a work of art. Solid colors with no imagination bore me.
Banned_n_austin said:

What jacs said ...

RoyWillisill said:
Here's me..sorry the quality is kind of crappy. :(

sweet mug shot
I will post a more up to date pic when I get home. I wish I would have thought about it because I went home for lunch and I could have took a pic.

- Mike G.
Yo CR.. I was just trying to show Dannie's Girl I know how to have a good time. If he's in Texas, that's a long treck to meet a girl tho. He prolly hates me already
Billy Bullocks said:
Yo CR.. I was just trying to show Dannie's Girl I know how to have a good time. If he's in Texas, that's a long treck to meet a girl tho. He prolly hates me already

He's a father that has a daughter... of course he hates you... :D
trickblue said:
He's a father that has a daughter... of course he hates you... :D


I've built a career out of hating every single male that my daughter has brought into this house.

And I've personally killed several. :D
Yeagermeister said:
And he's an arsehole to boot. Jesse James is still my favorite.
And his GF is pretty hot too !
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