Power Rankings..


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
Results this week, not counting the upcoming Pittsburgh game and the Indy game:

Global Statistics:
Games  Home Wins Winning_Score Losing_Score Margin
101        60        27.32         15.43     11.89

Rank  Team    Spread  AvSco  AvAll  Wins Loss Ties 
1     NE      22.71   39.86  17.14   7  - 0  - 0  
2     IND     15.20   32.80  17.60   5  - 0  - 0  
3     DAL      9.86   32.43  22.57   6  - 1  - 0  
4     GB       5.83   23.67  17.83   5  - 1  - 0  
5     PIT     17.00   26.40   9.40   4  - 1  - 0  
6     JAC      8.40   20.00  11.60   4  - 1  - 0  
7     NYG      5.43   26.71  21.29   5  - 2  - 0  
8     WAS      5.67   20.33  14.67   4  - 2  - 0  
9     TEN      4.00   22.00  18.00   4  - 2  - 0  
10    CAR      2.17   20.50  18.33   4  - 2  - 0  
11    DET     -5.17   23.33  28.50   4  - 2  - 0  
12    SEA      4.14   19.57  15.43   4  - 3  - 0  
13    TB       2.00   17.71  15.71   4  - 3  - 0  
14    BAL      0.71   17.71  17.00   4  - 3  - 0  
15    KC      -1.57   14.57  16.14   4  - 3  - 0  
16    SD       3.00   22.83  19.83   3  - 3  - 0  
17    CLE     -2.67   27.83  30.50   3  - 3  - 0  
18    HOU     -0.71   24.14  24.86   3  - 4  - 0  
19    ARI     -1.43   21.00  22.43   3  - 4  - 0  
20    CHI     -4.00   19.57  23.57   3  - 4  - 0  
21    DEN    -12.20   15.00  27.20   2  - 3  - 0  
22    PHI      2.50   19.33  16.83   2  - 4  - 0  
23    MIN      0.17   19.17  19.00   2  - 4  - 0  
24    OAK     -2.33   21.00  23.33   2  - 4  - 0  
25    CIN     -3.83   27.33  31.17   2  - 4  - 0  
26    BUF     -8.00   14.00  22.00   2  - 4  - 0  
27    NO      -8.50   16.83  25.33   2  - 4  - 0  
28    SF      -9.50   13.00  22.50   2  - 4  - 0  
29    NYJ     -8.00   19.43  27.43   1  - 6  - 0  
30    ATL     -8.29   13.57  21.86   1  - 6  - 0  
31    MIA    -10.71   22.29  33.00   0  - 7  - 0  
32    STL    -16.14   11.29  27.43   0  - 7  - 0  

dwm042@dwm042-desktop:~/perl/nfl$ ./super_stats.pl 2007
Global Statistics:
Games  Home Wins Winning_Score Losing_Score Margin
101        60        27.32         15.43     11.89

Rank  Team    Spread  Median    StdErr TrMean    AvgFor  Median    StdErr TrMean    AvgAll  Median    StdErr TrMean 
1     NE      22.71     21   +/-  4.35  22.20    39.86     38   +/-  6.18  39.20    17.14     14   +/-  7.69  17.00 
2     IND     15.20     18   +/- 11.52  14.33    32.80     33   +/-  7.40  33.67    17.60     20   +/-  5.55  18.00 
3     DAL      9.86     10   +/- 16.39  12.40    32.43     34   +/-  7.57  31.60    22.57     20   +/- 14.63  20.60 
4     GB       5.83      5   +/-  9.43   5.00    23.67     21   +/-  7.74  22.75    17.83     15   +/-  6.11  16.75 
5     PIT     17.00     21   +/- 13.64  21.67    26.40     26   +/-  9.40  27.00     9.40      7   +/-  8.85   8.67 
6     JAC      8.40      9   +/-  8.26   8.33    20.00     17   +/- 10.68  17.67    11.60     13   +/-  4.45  11.33 
7     NYG      5.43     11   +/- 15.71   7.80    26.71     31   +/-  9.18  27.80    21.29     17   +/- 14.59  20.20 
8     WAS      5.67      2   +/- 13.44   2.50    20.33     18   +/-  7.17  18.50    14.67     15   +/-  7.17  15.25 
9     TEN      4.00      2   +/-  7.32   2.50    22.00     20   +/- 10.68  21.00    18.00     13   +/-  9.70  15.50 
10    CAR      2.17      5   +/- 12.56   2.75    20.50     23   +/-  7.84  22.25    18.33     16   +/-  8.69  16.50 
11    DET     -5.17      5   +/- 21.95  -2.75    23.33     22   +/- 12.47  25.00    28.50     24   +/- 15.06  24.75 
12    SEA      4.14      3   +/- 17.25   4.60    19.57     20   +/- 10.01  20.80    15.43     21   +/- 10.08  15.40 
13    TB       2.00      3   +/- 15.74   2.40    17.71     16   +/-  8.14  17.40    15.71     14   +/- 10.36  14.80 
14    BAL      0.71      2   +/- 10.72   0.00    17.71     20   +/-  5.91  17.80    17.00     19   +/-  9.59  17.80 
15    KC      -1.57      2   +/- 11.03  -1.60    14.57     12   +/- 10.11  13.80    16.14     17   +/-  4.49  16.60 
16    SD       3.00      2   +/- 22.49   1.00    22.83     20   +/- 10.59  20.50    19.83     22   +/- 15.22  19.50 
17    CLE     -2.67      2   +/- 16.19  -0.75    27.83     25   +/- 15.98  27.25    30.50     32   +/- 10.60  31.25 
18    HOU     -0.71     -2   +/- 12.93  -0.40    24.14     22   +/-  7.93  23.40    24.86     26   +/- 12.08  26.60 
19    ARI     -1.43     -2   +/-  7.07  -0.40    21.00     21   +/-  7.28  20.60    22.43     21   +/-  5.44  22.40 
20    CHI     -4.00     -3   +/- 11.92  -2.80    19.57     20   +/- 10.06  20.60    23.57     20   +/- 11.13  23.60 
21    DEN    -12.20     -9   +/- 16.69  -8.67    15.00     15   +/-  7.65  16.33    27.20     23   +/- 11.73  27.00 
22    PHI      2.50     -3   +/- 17.25  -1.75    19.33     14   +/- 18.59  14.25    16.83     17   +/-  4.36  17.75 
23    MIN      0.17     -3   +/- 11.11  -2.50    19.17     16   +/-  8.59  17.75    19.00     21   +/-  9.78  20.00 
24    OAK     -2.33     -2   +/- 12.08  -4.25    21.00     20   +/-  8.85  20.25    23.33     23   +/-  8.38  23.00 
25    CIN     -3.83     -4   +/- 10.44  -2.25    27.33     24   +/- 12.04  26.50    31.17     29   +/- 10.91  29.00 
26    BUF     -8.00     -1   +/- 15.11  -5.50    14.00     15   +/-  7.80  14.25    22.00     20   +/-  9.57  20.00 
27    NO      -8.50    -10   +/- 15.95  -7.75    16.83     14   +/-  6.77  15.75    25.33     24   +/- 10.52  23.75 
28    SF      -9.50    -10   +/- 11.29  -9.75    13.00     15   +/-  6.54  13.75    22.50     20   +/- 10.73  22.25 
29    NYJ     -8.00     -7   +/-  8.31  -7.00    19.43     14   +/-  9.11  19.20    27.43     28   +/-  9.80  27.60 
30    ATL     -8.29     -7   +/- 10.58  -9.40    13.57     13   +/-  7.85  13.20    21.86     22   +/-  6.20  21.80 
31    MIA    -10.71    -10   +/-  7.93 -10.20    22.29     20   +/-  6.73  22.40    33.00     35   +/- 11.21  33.20 
32    STL    -16.14    -19   +/- 10.78 -16.80    11.29      7   +/-  9.98   9.00    27.43     27   +/-  6.85  28.00 

These set of data include more than averages. Mean point spread, average scores, and average scores allowed are calculated. Standard error of the same are calculated, and trimmed means are also calculated. Medians are useful in eliminating the "Detroit" effect (i.e. any team that beats Detroit ends up with an offensive rating that's overly optimistic against any other opponent) as are trimmed means.

Rankings are based on winning percentage, then point spread, then average points scored, then average points allowed. The code used to calculate these data is discussed in the "stats" url in my signature.
