Theres usually a thread like this, havent seen one.
First offensive play, not the KO
Dmac left side run, 1 yqrd gain
I thought of this a few days ago, but decided it was a bit early. So good timing, as it needs to be the day before the game to start it.
I think you mis-typed on your number, you forgot to add 2 zero's behind it.....LOL...
On Offense it will be a quick type play, nothing to take too long to develop. I would love a crossing pattern to Dez.
Everyone expects a run. I say a quick out pass to TWill.
On Defense it will be a conservative type play to see what the Giants may start out with. Rush the normal 4 DL. LB's get to the RB quickly, if not a DL. DB's cover as they roll a safely toward Beckham.