You starting an office pool ?Today is Friday, January 17.
Predict the date that the news breaks for the first time by an actual DC media person (ie, one with media credentials such that they'd be welcome in the press booth) of the correct name of the next head coach of the Dallas By Gawd Cowboys.
My crystal ball, tarot cards and Ouija board are all telling me Monday.
As in. THIS Monday. January 20.
He will get a sweetheart of a dealYou are a romantic.
*sigh*Today is Friday, January 17.
Predict the date that the news breaks for the first time by an actual DC media person (ie, one with media credentials such that they'd be welcome in the press booth) of the correct name of the next head coach of the Dallas By Gawd Cowboys.
My crystal ball, tarot cards and Ouija board are all telling me Monday.
As in. THIS Monday. January 20.
Either Tues, Feb 4th (media day at SB)…*sigh*
It's just kinda rude to have people re-word your post, and make it qualitatively different in some way. There was purpose is not asking for a "who"... purpose in specifically asking about "when." You've just more likely than not detoured this thread into more "who" discussion like that's not already taking place in 75% of the posts on page one. At least have the courtesy to write and ask. At least.
As for the attempt at humor being unwelcome... what can I say... answer, probably nothing that the edit doesn't say for itself. *heavier sigh*
The day after the offense scores 6 pointsMoore the day after Philly loses. (Is that cheating?)
Coach Monday? Never heard of him....I'm sure he's better than Garrett....Today is Friday, January 17.
Predict the date that the news breaks for the first time by an actual DC media person (ie, one with media credentials such that they'd be welcome in the press booth) of the correct name of the next head coach of the Dallas By Gawd Cowboys.
My crystal ball, tarot cards and Ouija board are all telling me Monday.
As in. THIS Monday. January 20.