hi there, I'm the owner of ***NOT-ALLOWED***.. over at our site we are using a site (
http://www.statstick.com ) to track our NFL predictions. It pretty much tracks whatever you can possibly predict about the NFL and it's free, has no ads and doesn't promote any products, etc etc.
What we did was create a group for the site and posted the pass code in our prediction threads so that our users could join up and we could all easily see what everyone predicted in one spot.
Just a friendly suggestion for an easier way to make and track your predictions.
Even though we don't play each other this year... if you guys want to set up some friendly inter-forum rivalry, let me know and we can get something going.
I just think it'd be cool if all the major forums out there had a way to interact besides the usual trolling and smack talk.
btw, good luck this year (even if you aren't the original Dallas team