Question on Romo


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What's the perception about him?

Is he trying a little too hard to be Tom Brady? Trying a little too hard to become a celebrity?

I can understand all the criticism that he's getting for going to Mexico before this game, with the performances he's had over the final month of the season.

I know the average Cowboy fan is going to say so what! But be realistic and objective. I know I been more then a little ticked off at how he's performed for a while now. His overthrows, his ducks, and mostly his inability, or lack of want to run with the ball. Rather waiting for a bg play to open up, and the result is un-needed pressure thats applied by him waiting for something to open up, when all can be avoided by him tucking the ball, and getting 6 or 7 yrds.

There's no doubt that he has the talent, and he's a franchise QB. But is h feeling the hype too much? Does he think he's btter then what he is at the moment? There no doubt in my head that Romo will go down as one of the best QB's in Cowboys History when its all said and done. But, he's not there yet. He doesnt have the talent to carry the Cowboys. Games where he hasnt had Terrell Owens has proven that. Not yet anyways. Will he ever have it? Who knows.

Dallas is 13-3 all is good. But is Romo setting himself up, trying to be in the limelight just a little too much? If dallas' loses he'll be thrown under the bus by everybody, and it will be deserved.

I read a Article that asked, Why is Jessica Simpson with Romo, LOL. After reading it it made a sense. Even if it was one of the conpiracy theory type pieces.

- Is Jessica with Romo because of his looks? LOL, that i find hard to believe. Considering think Leche her x-husband has more appeal to the opposite sex.

- Is jessca with Romo because its best for her career? I'm actually in belief that this is more accurate. Dating the guy who has the job in sports that as influential(QB of americas team)gives her great press coverage. And second is her father has made it known, he's all about the money.

Tony Romo has set himself to fail and fall bigtime. I'm just hoping he realises that at he end of the day, he still has to go on the field and be Focused. Can't he wait until after the superbowl to spend him money on Joe Simpson? I mean Jessica


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Who gives a flying **** what he does on his days off?


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CPonder14;1893548 said:

Who gives a flying **** what he does on his days off?

if he lays a egg on sunday will this still be your response? or will you be crying about his decisions? i'm guessing you'll have a box of tissues.


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LatinMind;1893547 said:
What's the perception about him?

Is he trying a little too hard to be Tom Brady? Trying a little too hard to become a celebrity?

I can understand all the criticism that he's getting for going to Mexico before this game, with the performances he's had over the final month of the season.

I know the average Cowboy fan is going to say so what! But be realistic and objective. I know I been more then a little ticked off at how he's performed for a while now. His overthrows, his ducks, and mostly his inability, or lack of want to run with the ball. Rather waiting for a bg play to open up, and the result is un-needed pressure thats applied by him waiting for something to open up, when all can be avoided by him tucking the ball, and getting 6 or 7 yrds.

There's no doubt that he has the talent, and he's a franchise QB. But is h feeling the hype too much? Does he think he's btter then what he is at the moment? There no doubt in my head that Romo will go down as one of the best QB's in Cowboys History when its all said and done. But, he's not there yet. He doesnt have the talent to carry the Cowboys. Games where he hasnt had Terrell Owens has proven that. Not yet anyways. Will he ever have it? Who knows.

Dallas is 13-3 all is good. But is Romo setting himself up, trying to be in the limelight just a little too much? If dallas' loses he'll be thrown under the bus by everybody, and it will be deserved.

I read a Article that asked, Why is Jessica Simpson with Romo, LOL. After reading it it made a sense. Even if it was one of the conpiracy theory type pieces.

- Is Jessica with Romo because of his looks? LOL, that i find hard to believe. Considering think Leche her x-husband has more appeal to the opposite sex.

- Is jessca with Romo because its best for her career? I'm actually in belief that this is more accurate. Dating the guy who has the job in sports that as influential(QB of americas team)gives her great press coverage. And second is her father has made it known, he's all about the money.

Tony Romo has set himself to fail and fall bigtime. I'm just hoping he realises that at he end of the day, he still has to go on the field and be Focused. Can't he wait until after the superbowl to spend him money on Joe Simpson? I mean Jessica

Generally speaking, I disagree with your assessment of his play. Particularly being critical of the difference without Owens. Facts are facts: QBs need help. Losing Owens has a domino effect on the offense. No Owens, more double-teaming of Witten, no Glenn to be concerned about, and Crayton is what he is - best as a supplement. He lacks the ability to be a playmaker.

So where does he go with the ball? Austin? Hurd? Neither has distinguished thenselves as consistent alternatives.

I don't want my QB running all the time. More hits, more chances for fumbles and not to mention injury.

No QB makes perfect passes all the time, but without question, his are aberration rather than consistent.

Finally, as far as the whole glitz thing, the only problem I have with it is he's created a little more pressure for himself to succeed. But in principle, I think the angle you're pushing as well as all the media attention is mostly because people need or want something to talk about.

Thankfully, I have full confidence in Romo and his ability thanks to what I've seen in the past year and a half of road games, big games and generally. And the numbers in terms of wins (most important), compl. %, TDs etc. back me up.


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The criticism on Romo started back in the offseason when he flew to Mexico City to judge the Miss Universe Pageant. The criticism then was he should be spending his time studying/working out at VR. I for one am fed up with the need for too many people to involve themselves in his personal life. He's our franchise QB and we all understand that but he's entitled to some private time both in the offseason and during the bye week just like any other QB.

Cowboy fans and the media, particularly those idiots in NY and elsewhere, spend too much time writing about his life outside of football. They don't have the right to decide who he dates/why and when. I heard this same thing happened to Aikman during the 90s. Neither Aikman nor Romo could go to malls, shop at stores, etc w/o being mobbed, etc. Even a $67M+ franchise QB deserves time off. Crayton got married over the first bye week back in late October but nothing was much mentioned about it. But let Romo do it and too many people including the media are all over him.

Frankly I think Romo has been flat out the best QB this season in the NFL -- if you take out those TDs Brady threw in the 4th quarter of too many games to run up the score.

Without Romo the Cowboys wouldn't be 13-3 or any where near it so get a life. This is also his first full year as a starting QB and I'd take him over any other QB in the NFL.

BTW: Easily understand why Romo's looks may not appeal to you, but suggest you talk to some of the female fans cause my female relatives sure think he's hot -- and his personality sure isn't bad either.


The Duke
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LatinMind;1893550 said:
if he lays a egg on sunday will this still be your response? or will you be crying about his decisions? i'm guessing you'll have a box of tissues.
Yes, this will be my response if he "lays an egg." If I wanted to read gossip column stuff I would. I want to read about football. I don't think one has anything to do with the other.


Cowboys Diehard
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LatinMind;1893547 said:
What's the perception about him?

Is he trying a little too hard to be Tom Brady? Trying a little too hard to become a celebrity?

I can understand all the criticism that he's getting for going to Mexico before this game, with the performances he's had over the final month of the season.

I know the average Cowboy fan is going to say so what! But be realistic and objective. I know I been more then a little ticked off at how he's performed for a while now. His overthrows, his ducks, and mostly his inability, or lack of want to run with the ball. Rather waiting for a bg play to open up, and the result is un-needed pressure thats applied by him waiting for something to open up, when all can be avoided by him tucking the ball, and getting 6 or 7 yrds.

There's no doubt that he has the talent, and he's a franchise QB. But is h feeling the hype too much? Does he think he's btter then what he is at the moment? There no doubt in my head that Romo will go down as one of the best QB's in Cowboys History when its all said and done. But, he's not there yet. He doesnt have the talent to carry the Cowboys. Games where he hasnt had Terrell Owens has proven that. Not yet anyways. Will he ever have it? Who knows.

Dallas is 13-3 all is good. But is Romo setting himself up, trying to be in the limelight just a little too much? If dallas' loses he'll be thrown under the bus by everybody, and it will be deserved.

I read a Article that asked, Why is Jessica Simpson with Romo, LOL. After reading it it made a sense. Even if it was one of the conpiracy theory type pieces.

- Is Jessica with Romo because of his looks? LOL, that i find hard to believe. Considering think Leche her x-husband has more appeal to the opposite sex.

- Is jessca with Romo because its best for her career? I'm actually in belief that this is more accurate. Dating the guy who has the job in sports that as influential(QB of americas team)gives her great press coverage. And second is her father has made it known, he's all about the money.

Tony Romo has set himself to fail and fall bigtime. I'm just hoping he realises that at he end of the day, he still has to go on the field and be Focused. Can't he wait until after the superbowl to spend him money on Joe Simpson? I mean Jessica

Sounds like you've fallen victim of all this hype surrounding Romo and are being profoundly over-analytical. Truth be told, Tony is very young in terms of QB experience and is still a work in progress. End of story.

ghosttown cowboy

Wyoming's #1 boys fan
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I'm pretty sure if Tony has a sub-par game it will be because the o-line is getting their arse whipped.


Still waiting...
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sago1;1893571 said:
The criticism on Romo started back in the offseason when he flew to Mexico City to judge the Miss Universe Pageant. The criticism then was he should be spending his time studying/working out at VR. I for one am fed up with the need for too many people to involve themselves in his personal life. He's our franchise QB and we all understand that but he's entitled to some private time both in the offseason and during the bye week just like any other QB.

Cowboy fans and the media, particularly those idiots in NY and elsewhere, spend too much time writing about his life outside of football. They don't have the right to decide who he dates/why and when. I heard this same thing happened to Aikman during the 90s. Neither Aikman nor Romo could go to malls, shop at stores, etc w/o being mobbed, etc. Even a $67M+ franchise QB deserves time off. Crayton got married over the first bye week back in late October but nothing was much mentioned about it. But let Romo do it and too many people including the media are all over him.

Frankly I think Romo has been flat out the best QB this season in the NFL -- if you take out those TDs Brady threw in the 4th quarter of too many games to run up the score.
Without Romo the Cowboys wouldn't be 13-3 or any where near it so get a life. This is also his first full year as a starting QB and I'd take him over any other QB in the NFL.

BTW: Easily understand why Romo's looks may not appeal to you, but suggest you talk to some of the female fans cause my female relatives sure think he's hot -- and his personality sure isn't bad either.

Hold up there Skippy. I love Romo too but Brady has been unconcious all season long.


TDS: 50 INT: 8 YDS: 4,806 RTG: 117.2

50 to 8? That is just ridiculous...


TDS: 36 INT: 19 YDS: 4,211 RTG: 97.4

Arguably the best season by a Dallas Cowboys QB... but Brady just had the best season of any QB - ever.

Also, the "by-quarters" breakdown on Brady's fifty TD passes:

1st: 11 2nd: 20 3rd: 8 4th: 10


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Bullflop;1893581 said:
Sounds like you've fallen victim of all this hype surrounding Romo and are being profoundly over-analytical. Truth be told, Tony is very young in terms of QB experience and is still a work in progress. End of story.

clearly non of you read most of what i typed. read the "romo to mexico an jessica" and thought thats all i said.

nobody mentioned what they thought about, the question of 'does romo think he's better then what he is at this moment in time?'

and to anybody thinking romo was the best qb this yr, shut up please. who cares when and how brady thrw them td's the fact is he scored. hes the best qb in football period. peyton manning had a better offense all around in 06 then NE has this yr and brady killed mannings stats.

all im saying is, romo needs to remember, he's not the same guy without owens. he cant carry the team, and maybe just maybe he needs to listen to people who have been where he is right now.

im not talking about the skip bayless' and losers lik that. im talking about the aikmans and bradshaws.


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I doubt that he thinks about "why" anyone is with him, or trying to be Tom Freakin' Brady. Fact is, it doesn't seem to me that he has to try too hard to do, football or ladies. The guy is a cool cat with a great personality that is a good dude. I doubt he is searching out these babes. I also wonder if they are complaning in NE that Tom Brady doesn't tuck it and run more often? What about in GB? Doubt it. Come one man. The guy had a good game at Detroit, who played like it was the SB against us, and a bad game against a proud division rival. Throw out the Skins game no matter what anyone says. The guy is going to play lights out against the Giants and go home with Jessica no matter what anyone else thinks of his looks or his subconscious needs to be like Mike...I mean Tom Brady!


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alancdc;1893596 said:
I doubt that he thinks about "why" anyone is with him, or trying to be Tom Freakin' Brady. Fact is, it doesn't seem to me that he has to try too hard to do, football or ladies. The guy is a cool cat with a great personality that is a good dude. I doubt he is searching out these babes. I also wonder if they are complaning in NE that Tom Brady doesn't tuck it and run more often? What about in GB? Doubt it. Come one man. The guy had a good game at Detroit, who played like it was the SB against us, and a bad game against a proud division rival. Throw out the Skins game no matter what anyone says. The guy is going to play lights out against the Giants and go home with Jessica no matter what anyone else thinks of his looks or his subconscious needs to be like Mike...I mean Tom Brady!

you dont see tom brady waiting for what seems forever o get rid of the ball too.

big dog cowboy

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That is some pretty deep thinking on a undrafted free agent starting QB who has all of 26 starts under his belt.

Give him his healthy weapons and he will beat a team he has already beaten twice this year.


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big dog cowboy;1893601 said:
That is some pretty deep thinking on a undrafted free agent starting QB who has all of 26 starts under his belt.

Give him his healthy weapons and he will beat a team he has already beaten twice this year.

no doubt, but if owens goes down, you have confidence romo would carry them?

and i think people need to get over that undrafted FA thing now. he's getting paid to be a franchise QB. and that means he gets the blame now.


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Tony Romo is a top 5 QB in this league. He makes plays getting out of the pocket and is a very accurate passer. He has a leading personality, works hard and plays hard. He has Moxie with no pedigree/entitlement complex we saw in Chad and Henson. Kudo's to Parcells for getting that, few else did.

Romo is on the big stage Sunday, time to step it up!


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LatinMind;1893550 said:
if he lays a egg on sunday will this still be your response? or will you be crying about his decisions? i'm guessing you'll have a box of tissues.

Ill be upset sure, but i won't blame it on Romo because he went to Mexico with his buddies.

I just don't get why so many people are upset over this whole Mexico thing. Boggles my mind...


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Nors;1893604 said:
Tony Romo is a top 5 QB in this league. He makes plays getting out of the pocket and is a very accurate passer. He has a leading personality, works hard and plays hard. He has Moxie with no pedigree/entitlement complex we saw in Chad and Henson. Kudo's to Parcells for getting that, few else did.

Romo is on the big stage Sunday, time to step it up!


big dog cowboy

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LatinMind;1893603 said:
no doubt, but if owens goes down, you have confidence romo would carry them?
Yes I do.

I think they will win tomorrow regardless if TO plays.


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LatinMind;1893547 said:
Is he trying a little too hard to be Tom Brady? Trying a little too hard to become a celebrity?

- Is Jessica with Romo because of his looks? LOL, that i find hard to believe. Considering think Leche her x-husband has more appeal to the opposite sex.

How is he trying to become a celebrity? Seems to me most of what's happened so far has come to him as a result of his success. He doesn't seem at all grasping to me. He seems to just kind of float above it all at this point.

And, if I may speak on behalf of the opposite sex...Nick Lachey, his pinched face, his crappy music, and his empty head have no appeal whatsoever compared with a guy like Romo. Gotta love the dimple!