Raise your hand if you own NVida (NVDA) stock


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Not sure what the price per ounce of NVDA means. I think she meant gold there. It's at about $1,200 per share now. If you follow what congress invests in a lot of them are invested in NVDA. Nancy Pelosi's largest investment is in NVDA. She's not alone. If you bought it a year ago you made 300% on your investment. Of course that's great, but the question is where does it go from here? How big is the AI chip market and what share can NVDA capture.

I bought AMD on a dips a few weeks back. I am not looking for it to be an NVDA though. I will take my profits if it gets me a 20% gain. I would consider buying NVDA if there is a market correction and it dips.

I have to be honest, I have been following the chip makers for years and I never in a million years thought NVDA would break out like it did. And it is has a PE ratio of only about 70 compared to AMD which is about 235.


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
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Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Nvidia is on a tear like on a tear like no other...........you do know about the 10 for 1 stock effective Monday
Ya, Im expecting a decline over the next two years. Im not that concerned because its a long term investment for me


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Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
300% increase from the time last year. I know coz I added X number of shares @ $426 per share. Crazy money.......lol
Historically they have dipped when they have done a stock split. However I think every time they have done has been during a recession, so that may not be as relevant


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Per ounce? Well, I've got a couple of Nvidia Shields...that should be worth quite a bit then. :laugh:


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..sorry mate. I've gone AMD stock path. But good for Nvidia, they have been around for eons.

Main reason for the surge is AI interest.

Bitcoin is not relative IMO. Bitcoin is that dark rage currency. Hush hush money.

All the want to get RICH Quick stools are on it. Still feel at end of day, it will be centralized money. AKA Chuck E Cheese.


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I am watching AMD stock take a dump the last couple of days because 1 analyst at Morgan Stanley made a negative remark without even lowering the companies price target. My guess is he will get his clients into the stock as soon as the dump bottoms out. This is why I tend not to invest much in individual stocks. Of course you have to look at it for the long haul but it is hard not to believe that the big players are constantly manipulating the market to enrich themselves. I still believe AMD will be a big winner over time. They are notorious for under-promising and over-delivering.

NVDA is also very temping now after the split. It still has a relatively low P/E and it is the current darling of the tech stocks. Plus, all the big shots in congress have s stake in NVDA. Is NVDA the next APPL? If it is, I want to own some.


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I am watching AMD stock take a dump the last couple of days because 1 analyst at Morgan Stanley made a negative remark without even lowering the companies price target. My guess is he will get his clients into the stock as soon as the dump bottoms out. This is why I tend not to invest much in individual stocks. Of course you have to look at it for the long haul but it is hard not to believe that the big players are constantly manipulating the market to enrich themselves. I still believe AMD will be a big winner over time. They are notorious for under-promising and over-delivering.

NVDA is also very temping now after the split. It still has a relatively low P/E and it is the current darling of the tech stocks. Plus, all the big shots in congress have s stake in NVDA. Is NVDA the next APPL? If it is, I want to own some.
....Nvda is the hype right now. You know how it goes, hype it up and get rich quick poons will flock together.

Eventually in couple weeks or month. The dust will clear and law of avgs will kick it. The market these days is so volatile.

Hard to guess where the puck might be going. One week up, next week down. Chip race right now is AMD, Nvda, and INtel. I still feel AMD, is the dark horse here.

Slowly and steady will climb, Lisa Su has shown to meet innovative demands so far. One thing for sure, keep the funds in places you know always gain. *Index* Be it 2% or 6%.

At least your gaining, not losing.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
....Nvda is the hype right now. You know how it goes, hype it up and get rich quick poons will flock together.

Eventually in couple weeks or month. The dust will clear and law of avgs will kick it. The market these days is so volatile.

Hard to guess where the puck might be going. One week up, next week down. Chip race right now is AMD, Nvda, and INtel. I still feel AMD, is the dark horse here.

Slowly and steady will climb, Lisa Su has shown to meet innovative demands so far. One thing for sure, keep the funds in places you know always gain. *Index* Be it 2% or 6%.

At least you’re gaining, not losing.
AMD and Intel innovate with new chips about every 3 years. Nvidia puts out a new chip yearly. They own about 95% of the AI chip market. This is not a flash in the pan stock. Their chips are far superior to anything AMD or Intel currently have. NVDA stock is a solid long term investment.


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AMD and Intel innovate with new chips about every 3 years. Nvidia puts out a new chip yearly. They own about 95% of the AI chip market. This is not a flash in the pan stock. Their chips are far superior to anything AMD or Intel currently have. NVDA stock is a solid long term investment.
I don't think AMD tries to be at the top of the performance market. I think they tend to focus on the market for slightly lower performing but also cheaper chips. At least that has been their strategy in the past, IMO. When it was Intel and AMD competing for CPU market share, Intel had the best performing CPUS at the top of their product list, but they were quite a bit more expensive than AMD top performing CPUs. That gap has narrowed more recently, but I still think they prefer to play just behind the other chip manufacturers on performance and price. AMD is a much better company today than it was 10 years ago.


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AMD and Intel innovate with new chips about every 3 years. Nvidia puts out a new chip yearly. They own about 95% of the AI chip market. This is not a flash in the pan stock. Their chips are far superior to anything AMD or Intel currently have. NVDA stock is a solid long term investment.
..of course, if you have the cash invest in Nvda. They are firing on all cylinders. Its a good time for them. But times follow change, and change is the upswing for anything in mix of things.

As far chips go, Nvda does well XgfX sector. I use to buy their cards back in the day. AMD has done really well in CPU processing chip sector. Taken the throne from Intel, which was leader since mid 90's.

RIght now, my money would be on Nvida and AMD. But since, Ive been loyal to AMD since early 2K. Thats my preference.

But yeah, had i known Nvda was going to rise like this. I would have bought a few.
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I don't think AMD tries to be at the top of the performance market. I think they tend to focus on the market for slightly lower performing but also cheaper chips. At least that has been their strategy in the past, IMO. When it was Intel and AMD competing for CPU market share, Intel had the best performing CPUS at the top of their product list, but they were quite a bit more expensive than AMD top performing CPUs. That gap has narrowed more recently, but I still think they prefer to play just behind the other chip manufacturers on performance and price. AMD is a much better company today than it was 10 years ago.
....the bottom line right now for PC enthusiast. AMD offers better price for perfomance. Intel might have couple chips with higher Frame Rate numbers.

But the margin is so low, its ridicolous to pay the price. And they want double the price for them. Thier usual practice for Eons.