Realistic Changes you like to see next year


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What I mean about unrealistic changes: cutting the entire defense it is just not going to happen salary cap etc all come into play. Despite what we think about guys like Flo being cut next year that is not going to happen way to much Money against the cap do to signing bonuses they got.

1st I would like a young up and coming Coach not a retread Head Coach. If it is Jason so be it if not I want Jerry to go after a Rex Ryan or somebody like that as an example.

2nd Me personally I like to see a 4-3 defense again

3rd Greg Ellis Gone

4th More Speed at LB (Via draft and some solid FA LB's with speed)

5th Henry gone or moved to FS

Oline I would love to see some young FA linemen added like Kosier signing a few years ago and some draft picks that actually make it on the team for once and contribute.


Double Trouble
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Clean out the coaching staff.

Get a real nose tackle.

Get a legitimate backup QB.


Well-Known Member
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Who cares right now, we're still in this year. It's only midseason.. Geeez!!!!


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The coach wont matter if the structure stays the same.

Its not the coaches fault entirely. These pathetic displays the last couple of weeks are in part the coaches fault but it is much deeper than that.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'd pay Bill Cowher whatever he wanted at this point.

And then back off and give him the same level of control Parcells had.


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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Wow, only half way into the season, and the next thing we'll hear is who we should draft next year.



Well-Known Member
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1. Purge STUPID players that consistently do not give full effort in practice or during games. I don't care if it is 40% turnover. Someone will be happy to take their job.

2. Get a head coach and coaching staff that is middle of the road. No lush like Phillips and no psychology freak like Parcells. Give me a stern head coach that respects but demands the best from the players. Someone who will hold them accountable and be a jerk when necessary but also treat them as people. Not a head-game coach.

3. Draft/Hire WARRIORS. Stop drafting/picking up tip-toe whiny "me-me-me" losers. Use the formula (whatever that might be) that got you Scandrick for Free Agents and Draftee's.

4. Go back to the 4-3, the 3-4 is a failure in Dallas. We have players that CAN play in the 4-3 also.


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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stiletto;2393823 said:
1. Purge STUPID players that consistently do not give full effort in practice or during games. I don't care if it is 40% turnover. Someone will be happy to take their job.

2. Get a head coach and coaching staff that is middle of the road. No lush like Phillips and no psychology freak like Parcells. Give me a stern head coach that respects but demands the best from the players. Someone who will hold them accountable and be a jerk when necessary but also treat them as people. Not a head-game coach.

3. Draft/Hire WARRIORS. Stop drafting/picking up tip-toe whiny "me-me-me" losers. Use the formula (whatever that might be) that got you Scandrick for Free Agents and Draftee's.

4. Go back to the 4-3, the 3-4 is a failure in Dallas. We have players that CAN play in the 4-3 also.

With all due respect,Gotta say I'm not crazy about your Avatar:cool:


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stasheroo;2393810 said:
I'd pay Bill Cowher whatever he wanted at this point.

And then back off and give him the same level of control Parcells had.

That would be a terrible idea.

He is not parcells, not even close. He has never rebuilt anything.

The thing I do like about cowher is that he is terrific in hiring assitant coaches, he has always surrounded himself with excellent assitant coaches.

and seeing that GM Jerry Sunshine hires the coaches and calls all the shots cowher would never come here.

Its going to be garret and a new defensive group and jerry selling all the new things that the new staff is going to do with the new defense.

and next year the defense will be the same or worse.

We had a terrific coach in parcells running the defense and we currently have a good coach who is a step down the ladder in phillips and the defense is pretty poor. It will only get worse down the road for this organization.


Well-Known Member
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Yeah, yours is much better but mine reflects how i feel about the team right now. I may change it once Im in a better mood.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
theebs;2393836 said:
That would be a terrible idea.

He is not parcells, not even close. He has never rebuilt anything.

You think this team needs a complete rebuild?

theebs said:
The thing I do like about cowher is that he is terrific in hiring assitant coaches, he has always surrounded himself with excellent assitant coaches.

and seeing that GM Jerry Sunshine hires the coaches and calls all the shots cowher would never come here.

That's why I suggested that Jerry give him Parcells-level control.

theebs said:
Its going to be garret and a new defensive group and jerry selling all the new things that the new staff is going to do with the new defense.

and next year the defense will be the same or worse.

We had a terrific coach in parcells running the defense and we currently have a good coach who is a step down the ladder in phillips and the defense is pretty poor. It will only get worse down the road for this organization.


I'm expecting Jason 'the boy wonder' to get the top job and bring in Dom Capers - like he wanted to all along.


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Mansta54;2393902 said:
Your avatar really does SUCK... I just can't imagine a TRUE Cowboys fan doing that, regardles of the circumstances... Lose the bag man!!!!

What where you around in the 80's where half the stadium was coming to the game with bags on their head

That is a Dallas tradition that is sacrilege to ask him to remove it; hell no he needs to keep it up until the team starts playing like a team that deserves to be cheered. Right now the players should be hiding their faces for that disgrace of a performance they have put up this year


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Kangaroo;2393920 said:
What where you around in the 80's where half the stadium was coming to the game with bags on their head

That is a Dallas tradition that is sacrilege to ask him to remove it; hell no he needs to keep it up until the team starts playing like a team that deserves to be cheered. Right now the players should be hiding their faces for that disgrace of a performance they have put up this year

Judging from the attendance records in the 80s no one was going to the stadium.


Kane Ala
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Kangaroo;2393776 said:
What I mean about unrealistic changes: cutting the entire defense it is just not going to happen salary cap etc all come into play. Despite what we think about guys like Flo being cut next year that is not going to happen way to much Money against the cap do to signing bonuses they got.

1st I would like a young up and coming Coach not a retread Head Coach. If it is Jason so be it if not I want Jerry to go after a Rex Ryan or somebody like that as an example.

2nd Me personally I like to see a 4-3 defense again

3rd Greg Ellis Gone

4th More Speed at LB (Via draft and some solid FA LB's with speed)

5th Henry gone or moved to FS

Oline I would love to see some young FA linemen added like Kosier signing a few years ago and some draft picks that actually make it on the team for once and contribute.

I don't have a major problem with a coaching change. Just remember that seldom or rarely actually has a new coach won a SB. Changing coaches is not a cure all and leads to instability in the organization. You can't start over every few years. Look at the teams that constantly are changing coaches looking for a fix and see if you want to be like that franchise. See Oakland for example. Or AZ. Or Cin. Or Cleveland post early 70s.

We are not built for the 4-3 now. You'd have to get too many people to play the front. I suppose you could trade Spencer and Ware and restart. Do you want to do that? Can Ware play OLB in a 4-3 because he's not big enough to play as a 4-3 DE. Talk about pissing and moaning about Ware not rushing the passer. He won't do that much as a 4-3 OLB. Neither can Spencer. They cannot play in a 4-3. That should end that discussion.

Ellis is not a problem and he's cheap on the cap. When he can no longer play then cut him. It's not this and probably not next year either. You cannot play the 3-4 without two and preferably three pass rushing capable OLBs. We have three. If Spencer can beat him out of snaps then great. That means he can play in this league at a high level.

We do need more speed at MILB. Jerry is going to have to adjust this thinking you can always find MILBs for this defense. Neither Zack or Bradie are as good as it gets.

Henry already plays some safety in nickel and dime packages. That's 60% of the time. We need to address safety and hopefully he'll get a hard look there next year. Perhaps that is a partial answer to our safety problem.


Well-Known Member
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1. Cut Wade and Stewart. And especially our ST Coach.
2. Hire Cowher
3. Hire Joe Avezanno back. (I always loved his fire)
3. Cut Roy Williams
4. Get a cover Safety
5. Move Hamlin to SS
6. Hire Singletary - half of our entire team needs to be sent off the field to the locker room.
7. Cut Tank Johnson, Bradie James, Marcus Spears, Anthony Henry, Roy Williams, Kyle Kosier (All these guys are soft, heartless, pansies)
8. Sign/draft a quality backup QB.
9. Sign/draft someone to legitimately push Flozell out of Dallas. (I'm so sick of this heartless bum. Does he even have testosterone?)

Bob Sacamano

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get rid of Wade

keep Garrett as OC, meaning don't give him the HC job

move Jay Ratliff to DE and draft one or 2

draft/sign a NT, move Spears to NT too

draft a speedy, playmaking ILB

draft a FS

move Hamlin to strong, and make him do alot of tackling drills

don't re-sign Tank Johnson or Chris Canty

that's about it