Realistic Changes you like to see next year


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stasheroo;2393897 said:
You think this team needs a complete rebuild?

That's why I suggested that Jerry give him Parcells-level control.


I'm expecting Jason 'the boy wonder' to get the top job and bring in Dom Capers - like he wanted to all along.
I think this will happen.


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Bob Sacamano;2394020 said:
get rid of Wade

keep Garrett as OC, meaning don't give him the HC job

move Jay Ratliff to DE and draft one or 2

draft/sign a NT, move Spears to NT too

draft a speedy, playmaking ILB

draft a FS

move Hamlin to strong, and make him do alot of tackling drills

don't re-sign Tank Johnson or Chris Canty

that's about it
Who's your DC?


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stasheroo;2393810 said:
I'd pay Bill Cowher whatever he wanted at this point.

And then back off and give him the same level of control Parcells had.

Dont like him at all. He chokes during the playoffs with all those home playoff losses


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jobberone;2393978 said:
I don't have a major problem with a coaching change. Just remember that seldom or rarely actually has a new coach won a SB. Changing coaches is not a cure all and leads to instability in the organization. You can't start over every few years. Look at the teams that constantly are changing coaches looking for a fix and see if you want to be like that franchise. See Oakland for example. Or AZ. Or Cin. Or Cleveland post early 70s.

We are not built for the 4-3 now. You'd have to get too many people to play the front. I suppose you could trade Spencer and Ware and restart. Do you want to do that? Can Ware play OLB in a 4-3 because he's not big enough to play as a 4-3 DE. Talk about pissing and moaning about Ware not rushing the passer. He won't do that much as a 4-3 OLB. Neither can Spencer. They cannot play in a 4-3. That should end that discussion.

Ellis is not a problem and he's cheap on the cap. When he can no longer play then cut him. It's not this and probably not next year either. You cannot play the 3-4 without two and preferably three pass rushing capable OLBs. We have three. If Spencer can beat him out of snaps then great. That means he can play in this league at a high level.

We do need more speed at MILB. Jerry is going to have to adjust this thinking you can always find MILBs for this defense. Neither Zack or Bradie are as good as it gets.

Henry already plays some safety in nickel and dime packages. That's 60% of the time. We need to address safety and hopefully he'll get a hard look there next year. Perhaps that is a partial answer to our safety problem.

Trade Ware why? he can play DE in this league (Dwight Freeny does and he is smaller than Ware) and Ware played DE at a small college but he still played the position. Right now I say the defense is not really built for a 3-4 either me do not have a nt typical for a 3-4 and the best one we have would be better as a de in the 3-4 but is forced to play nt.

I want a change because Wade is not the answer and keeping him is spinning our wheels. It also does not help I thought he was an atrocious hire in the 1st place (I hated the Norv idea to). I want Jerry to go with a young hungry coach as the HC. I posted some stats about recycled SB winning coaches a couple weeks ago. I prefer a young HC myself to go with.


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jamesdojr;2393992 said:
3. Cut Roy Williams

7. Cut Tank Johnson, Bradie James, Marcus Spears, Anthony Henry, Roy Williams, Kyle Kosier (All these guys are soft, heartless, pansies)

9. Sign/draft someone to legitimately push Flozell out of Dallas. (I'm so sick of this heartless bum. Does he even have testosterone?)

So we go back to what we were when Aikman was here, cap hell and take another 3-5 years to get back, then we will need to find a new RB, SS, RT, a QB to groom because Romo will be in his twilight. Sounds good we have now become the Cincinnati Bungles, waste talent when a good coach would be a better option.


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theebs;2393976 said:
Judging from the attendance records in the 80s no one was going to the stadium.

It was pretty darn near I think and the ones that did show up had a bag over there face. It was crazy stuff. I remember it as a kid because they always had it in the news all the time showing all the fans with bags on their head sitting in the stands.


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Kangaroo;2394778 said:
It was pretty darn near I think and the ones that did show up had a bag over there face. It was crazy stuff. I remember it as a kid because they always had it in the news all the time showing all the fans with bags on their head sitting in the stands.

Hire Pete Carroll & give him one more shot. Let him bring in norm chow to run the offense & let caroll bring in his own staff.


Makin' It Rain
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We need better, young talent across the board on the offensive and defensive lines and at linebacker. That's where teams build identities, and that's where we're sorely lacking.

Canty? He's ok. Spears? Marginal at best. Ratliff? Out of position. Hatcher? Who?

You look at the good defenses, and they set the tone along the line. How often does our line do that?


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Kangaroo;2393776 said:
What I mean about unrealistic changes: cutting the entire defense it is just not going to happen salary cap etc all come into play. Despite what we think about guys like Flo being cut next year that is not going to happen way to much Money against the cap do to signing bonuses they got.

1st I would like a young up and coming Coach not a retread Head Coach. If it is Jason so be it if not I want Jerry to go after a Rex Ryan or somebody like that as an example.

2nd Me personally I like to see a 4-3 defense again

3rd Greg Ellis Gone

4th More Speed at LB (Via draft and some solid FA LB's with speed)

5th Henry gone or moved to FS

Oline I would love to see some young FA linemen added like Kosier signing a few years ago and some draft picks that actually make it on the team for once and contribute.

Steve Spagnuolo with all the power to hire and fire his coaching staff. No Garrett, no Rex Ryan.