All I know for sure is y'all are the worst drivers in the U.S.A.
-The left lane is the passing lane people!
-At any given time, on a 6 lane highway, you can be surrounded by 30 cars traveling at 30 different speeds, with a 50 mph variance between them.
-You don't know how a Stop sign works. You just sit there, as if a Go sign is needed to assist you.
-Stop writing all over your's annoying and it doesn't help your vision. (not that your looking out for other cars around you anyway)
-Pull out in front of me one more time from the shoulder of the highway whiles I'm humming along at 75, please.
-When you're hauling things in your pickup, tie them down, or they fly out all over the highway when you hit a bump.....and there are a lot of bumps on these highways.
-Don't put your dog in the bed of your pickup truck.....they fly out all over the highway when you hit a bump.....and there are a lot of bumps on these highways.
-Don't put your kids in the bed of your pickup truck....they fly get the point.
-Even if you don't live in a county that requires it, get your car inspected once a year....because you obviously have no clue how to keep your car safe for road use. It's not just your safety I'm worried's mine.
-It's won't hurt you.....keep driving. No need to stop when it drizzles or crawl along at 10mph.
-It's a schoolzone...the speed is're doing 10mph...what's wrong with you?
-Texting while driving is a worldwide epidemic...but it is at a peak in the DFW Metroplex. Stop it...please, now....thank you.
-Get your windshield fixed. It's dangerous and stupid to drive around with 5 large cracks in your windshield. Surely you have to realize this.
-Motorcyclists...the highway is not your personal stunt track. Chill on the white-lining and 5 mile long power-wheelies. They look cool, until you're laying under a truck.
I'm sure there's more, feel free to add to the list...