Really? Dallas worst commute in USA?

CowboyDan;3749652 said:
-It's a schoolzone...the speed is're doing 10mph...what's wrong with you?

Just an FYI there stud. School Zone speed limits in Texas are 20.

If you hate drivers here so much, feel free to get in your Yugo and reduce the strain on traffic-flow by 1.
Probably not the worst overall, but I'd say the 114/121 area by the airport, and the 183/820, area have to be some of the worst traffic-ridden spots in the U.S. 635 is up there too.
DallasCowpoke;3749878 said:
Just an FYI there stud. School Zone speed limits in Texas are 20.

If you hate drivers here so much, feel free to get in your Yugo and reduce the strain on traffic-flow by 1.

Looks like I hit a nerve....and the only correction you have is that the school zone speed limit is 20 not 25...;)

And it's a mustang, not a Yugo. You can see it in the Member's Forum. :D
CowboyDan;3749652 said:
-It's won't hurt you.....keep driving. No need to stop when it drizzles or crawl along at 10mph.


This is funny because it is very true.
Dallas should have expanded the interstates running through there years ago! Fort Worth widened I-30 over 10 years ago! It will be a snarled mess in Dallas if they do it now, but it needs to be done.

I have driven in Boston. It is HORRIBLE up there! I figured there were a lot of cities worse than Dallas, but I don't drive through there everyday during rush hour.
on a Friday morning I drove to Austin it was a holiday - on the way back to Dallas it was nothing but cars - there was not time even to get in left lane - the worst traffic I have seen and that went from Austin all the way to Dallas
I am pretty sure I did not pass one car

and Houston don't even get me started
Maikeru-sama;3750097 said:
I forgot to mention that 360 Northbound in the mornings is horrible.

And Southbound in the afternoon it's a parking lot.
I agree that going west past the airport on 121 has to be as bad as anywhere in the country, 635/75 is better, slow but at least it moves. They are doing some construction and it's moving along, when they get done with 12 in East Dallas, Woodall Rogers, and 75/121 in McKinney, things will be better I think and it will happen relatively soon I think.
Yeagermeister;3748265 said:
Whoever wrote this hasn't spent much time in Houston.

Or north first street in San Jose and the highway to get from San Jose to Milpitas.
CowboyDan;3749652 said:
All I know for sure is y'all are the worst drivers in the U.S.A.

-The left lane is the passing lane people!
-At any given time, on a 6 lane highway, you can be surrounded by 30 cars traveling at 30 different speeds, with a 50 mph variance between them.
-You don't know how a Stop sign works. You just sit there, as if a Go sign is needed to assist you.
-Stop writing all over your's annoying and it doesn't help your vision. (not that your looking out for other cars around you anyway)
-Pull out in front of me one more time from the shoulder of the highway whiles I'm humming along at 75, please.
-When you're hauling things in your pickup, tie them down, or they fly out all over the highway when you hit a bump.....and there are a lot of bumps on these highways.
-Don't put your dog in the bed of your pickup truck.....they fly out all over the highway when you hit a bump.....and there are a lot of bumps on these highways.
-Don't put your kids in the bed of your pickup truck....they fly get the point.
-Even if you don't live in a county that requires it, get your car inspected once a year....because you obviously have no clue how to keep your car safe for road use. It's not just your safety I'm worried's mine.
-It's won't hurt you.....keep driving. No need to stop when it drizzles or crawl along at 10mph.
-It's a schoolzone...the speed is're doing 10mph...what's wrong with you?
-Texting while driving is a worldwide epidemic...but it is at a peak in the DFW Metroplex. Stop it...please, now....thank you.
-Get your windshield fixed. It's dangerous and stupid to drive around with 5 large cracks in your windshield. Surely you have to realize this.
-Motorcyclists...the highway is not your personal stunt track. Chill on the white-lining and 5 mile long power-wheelies. They look cool, until you're laying under a truck.
I'm sure there's more, feel free to add to the list...:rolleyes:

That is because everyone in Dallas is from somewhere else originally. It is a big collection of the worst drivers.
joseephuss;3752134 said:
That is because everyone in Dallas is from somewhere else originally. It is a big collection of the worst drivers.

Nice's always the people from the other states...:rolleyes:
I know native Texans. It's y'all.

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