RECAP: Parcells comments on Ware/Merriman


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TheCount;1754602 said:
Probably means that Jerry wanted Ware and Parcells wanted Merriman and Jerry over ruled him. So Key wanted to take a shot at Jerry Jones and the organization again but decided not to lift his skirt yet again just then.

I'm just guessing, because from what you said of what Parcells was discussing, seems like everything he's saying leans towards Merriman.

How do you come up with that conclusion. I took it the opposite, BP wanted Ware all along. Key does not know anything, he just thinks he does and wanted to run his mouth.


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tyke1doe;1754608 said:
I think it was pretty well known that Merriman used steroids. Stuff like that isn't easy to keep silent.

And based on Merriman's level of play this year, those suspicions may be true.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Chargers are in a different defensive scheme. But it seems to me if your playmakers aren't making plays in a scheme that's suppose to benefit their talents, something's wrong.

It aint always the scheme.

Yea, I think everybody is starting to realize that Merriman was juicing and it was not an "accidental positive from a protein shake". Just compare last year with this year.

Last Year: He was blowing past lineman like they were standing in mud. When somebody did try to block him, he just tossed them to the ground. Hmmm, tossing 300+ guys to the ground like rag dolls......hmmm.

This year: He is smaller than last year, just compare tapes and you will see what I mean. Normally, guys dont shrink in the offseason, unless you stop juicing. He is not throwing anybody to the ground this year, in fact he is getting blocked pretty well by guys he dominated last year.............hmmm

I think it is pretty obvious that while scheme has had an affect on the team (see other players sack numbers down also), Nobody can deny that Merriman is not the same player he was. Now what would cause a player to lose size, strenght, speed, agility, and power in just 1 freaking offseason.......ROIDS.


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Alexander;1754896 said:
Again, if the quote was true, then we had to have Johnson rated as a top twenty talent. That is completely insane.

Either that or we reached for need, which is equally idiotic.

As I remember, Parcells wanted a center, come hell or high water. I think the statement that Witten was not taken earlier because "others" were more highly rated was just a cover up. Parcells said the first plausable thing that came into his head when confronted, even if, with respect to Johnson, it was untrue



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Alexander;1754617 said:
There were rumors about Merriman leading up to that draft. Some were due to the Postons, others about unspecified character concerns.

And this business about Coach Parcells wanting him more are not the way I recall it.

IIRC, the "thug" comment was made after this very draft to rationalize the Ware choice.

They are playing a radically different 3-4 under Ted Cottrell. If you cannot at least admit that, you are probably just wishfully thinking that the steroids have something to do with Merriman's "decline".

It isn't always a lack of steroids either.

Not sure what you're trying to say with this post.

Seldom has there been a more clear cut case of steriod abuse.

Merriman was a dominate player the first two years in the league.
So dominate that people speculated that maybe he was juiced.

He was caught last year taking steriods.

His play this year has dropped of a cliff.

Where's the mystery? How can anyone question whats wrong with Merriman?

He was great because he took steriods, he's no longer great because he's not taking steriods any longer. CASE CLOSED END OF STORY!


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When you see his distinct loss of weight and power; his huge loss of production and ability; and he was caught taking roids. His alibi hunters can whine and cry all they want= off of roids he is a good to very good player and that is that. He no longer is Pro Bowl quality.