Redzone: Michael Irvin takes stand for marriage equality

Irvin: “I’m not gay, but I was afraid to even let anyone have the thought. I can only imagine the agony—being a prisoner in your own mind -- for someone who wants to come out. If I’m not gay and I am afraid to mention it, I can only imagine what an athlete must be going through if he is gay.”

Seems a little too eloquent for something he would say, but well put nonetheless.
I've seen worse.

bbgun;3990694 said:
I've seen worse.


Is nothing sacred??
I think this should be closed. I guess we all have to agree on everything. :(
Good Job Mike!


Lets get rid off these *******s saying gays can't be happy and married!
gmb85;3990751 said:
I think this should be closed. I guess we all have to agree on everything. :(

Why should it be closed? Because of the original story or because of a certain response? I think I missed something.
Temo;3990673 said:
Irvin: “I’m not gay, but I was afraid to even let anyone have the thought. I can only imagine the agony—being a prisoner in your own mind -- for someone who wants to come out. If I’m not gay and I am afraid to mention it, I can only imagine what an athlete must be going through if he is gay.”

Seems a little too eloquent for something he would say, but well put nonetheless.

In most interviews I've watched, Irvin is quite articulate.

gmb85;3990751 said:
I think this should be closed. I guess we all have to agree on everything. :(

Yeah. I guess comments of approval are the only ones warranted in this thread.

I'm disappointed in Michael Irvin. But he has a right to speak out so ...
tyke1doe;3990798 said:
Yeah. I guess comments of approval are the only ones warranted in this thread.

I'm disappointed in Michael Irvin. But he has a right to speak out so ...
Not true. Just like you posted that you disapproved. You can leave it at that.
Count me in with the 47% that strongly opposses gay marriage.
ScipioCowboy;3990855 said:
What did it? My assertion that Irvin was articulate or the Sean Hannity clip?;)
Oh... well you tube is blocked on this computer... I'll have to take a look at that when I get home. :D
ScipioCowboy;3990773 said:
In most interviews I've watched, Irvin is quite articulate.

I'm not saying he's not articulate, the quote seems gussied up for print. Very few people actually talk like that (I know I don't). That's not unknown in the journalism world.
WoodysGirl;3990802 said:
Not true. Just like you posted that you disapproved. You can leave it at that.

But I have to leave the reason for my disapproval "at that." Others can comment how great it is that Irvin is being tolerant and standing up for what is right.

Therein lies the difference. I'm not trying to start an argument. I understand the world in which I live. But let's not kid ourselves that those who celebrate Irvin's decision and give why are going to be seen as divisive ("political") as those who aren't as "tolerant."

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