Regarding Greg Ellis...


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Here's what we know.

1. From Inman's recap of Mickey Spags, we know that the coaches learned of Greg's alleged unhappiness through the media and were shocked.

2. From that recap we also learned that the only thing the coaches knew of that would cause him unhappiness was reduced reps in practice, which the coaches thought would make him happier.

3. The initial article claims, without a source for the claim, that Greg was upset because he had been "informed" by the team that his role was being changed this year to a "pass rush specialist" with Spencer playing on 1st and 2nd downs.

4. That same initial article states that they had only talked to Greg via text message and that all he communicated through text messaging was that he was "in town" without actually communicating the changed role circumstances.

5. The article mentioned nothing of any coach speaking about Greg's alleged role change.

6. Another article explains that Greg must attend 85% of the offseason mandatory training/condition program to reach his bonus (OTAs are voluntary and do not count toward the 85%).


So, in my opinion, either one of two things is going on here. Either (1) the initial article completely fabricated this alleged role change and Greg is only being cautious in order to meet his bonus OR (2) the coaches are lying.

Obviously, I think it's the former. Greg isn't whining or crying (as is usually the case). He's just following the Hambrick Doctrine and giving his body some rest. But I'm just an extreme idiotic homer, so what do I know.
I think the writers will interpret that to mean "put out more Roy Williams articles".
I think it's pretty obvious the reason that this team folds like a cheap tent every December is that weak sisters like Greg Ellis are the "team leaders".
Double Trouble;2099697 said:
I think it's pretty obvious the reason that this team folds like a cheap tent every December is that weak sisters like Greg Ellis are the "team leaders".
Or perhaps the idea is that less strenuous work over the summer equals better production down the stretch for his "old legs."
theogt;2099698 said:
Or perhaps the idea is that less strenuous work over the summer equals better production down the stretch for his "old legs."
He can rest without complaining to the media.
theogt;2099676 said:
Here's what we know.

1. From Inman's recap of Mickey Spags, we know that the coaches learned of Greg's alleged unhappiness through the media and were shocked.

2. From that recap we also learned that the only thing the coaches knew of that would cause him unhappiness was reduced reps in practice, which the coaches thought would make him happier.

3. The initial article claims, without a source for the claim, that Greg was upset because he had been "informed" by the team that his role was being changed this year to a "pass rush specialist" with Spencer playing on 1st and 2nd downs.

4. That same initial article states that they had only talked to Greg via text message and that all he communicated through text messaging was that he was "in town" without actually communicating the changed role circumstances.

5. The article mentioned nothing of any coach speaking about Greg's alleged role change.

6. Another article explains that Greg must attend 85% of the offseason mandatory training/condition program to reach his bonus (OTAs are voluntary and do not count toward the 85%).


So, in my opinion, either one of two things is going on here. Either (1) the initial article completely fabricated this alleged role change and Greg is only being cautious in order to meet his bonus OR (2) the coaches are lying.

Obviously, I think it's the former. Greg isn't whining or crying (as is usually the case). He's just following the Hambrick Doctrine and giving his body some rest. But I'm just an extreme idiotic homer, so what do I know.

Greg Ellis is being Greg Ellis, why is that so hard for you to understand?

Did you not hear him crying like 2 minutes after the Giants loss and then again the next day about his future in Dallas.

You didn't? Well here's the interview from the day after the Giants loss.

Keep in mind he still has two years left under contract, yet he's talking like has no deal in place..

Greg Ellis Whining On January 14th

I am tired of his BS and you should be too.
Double Trouble;2099715 said:
He can rest without complaining to the media.
All he's said to the media is he's "in town."

My point was that I think this is a case of Greg not actually whining (strange, I know).
theogt;2099676 said:
Here's what we know.

1. From Inman's recap of Mickey Spags, we know that the coaches learned of Greg's alleged unhappiness through the media and were shocked.

2. From that recap we also learned that the only thing the coaches knew of that would cause him unhappiness was reduced reps in practice, which the coaches thought would make him happier.

3. The initial article claims, without a source for the claim, that Greg was upset because he had been "informed" by the team that his role was being changed this year to a "pass rush specialist" with Spencer playing on 1st and 2nd downs.

4. That same initial article states that they had only talked to Greg via text message and that all he communicated through text messaging was that he was "in town" without actually communicating the changed role circumstances.

5. The article mentioned nothing of any coach speaking about Greg's alleged role change.

6. Another article explains that Greg must attend 85% of the offseason mandatory training/condition program to reach his bonus (OTAs are voluntary and do not count toward the 85%).


So, in my opinion, either one of two things is going on here. Either (1) the initial article completely fabricated this alleged role change and Greg is only being cautious in order to meet his bonus OR (2) the coaches are lying.

Obviously, I think it's the former. Greg isn't whining or crying (as is usually the case). He's just following the Hambrick Doctrine and giving his body some rest. But I'm just an extreme idiotic homer, so what do I know.

1) Okay. Maybe that's true. Maybe not. Their method of learning of his unhappiness tells us nothing about whether it had been communicated to Greg that his role would be different this yr. Perhaps Greg gave no instant feedback upon learning.
2) It could be that nothing had to be spelled out to Greg--he's a bright, if quirky guy. It may well be that he connected the dots after observing rotations, and the coaches are aware of his awareness. A possible role change may have remained unspoken yet understood by all parties.

3)Watkins' use of term "informed" might not be intended to be taken in the normal sense. Again, maybe the change was dictated by deeds rather than words. Hence, no quotes.
4) Immaterial.
5) Not important; see #2; I can see them wishing not to go public here for obvious reasons.
6) Conceivable this may have some merit in his decision process.
PosterChild;2099743 said:
1) Okay. Maybe that's true. Maybe not. Their method of learning of his unhappiness tells us nothing about whether it had been communicated to Greg that his role would be different this yr. Perhaps Greg gave no instant feedback upon learning.
So, you think the coaches are lying? GOTCHA.

2) It could be that nothing had to be spelled out to Greg--he's a bright, if quirky guy. It may well be that he connected the dots after observing rotations, and the coaches are aware of his awareness. A possible role change may have remained unspoken yet understood by all parties.
Except that no reasonable person could deduce that reduced reps for a 30+ defender with an injury history means he's losing his starting job, particularly after coming off his best season EVER.

You say he's a bright guy, but he'd have to be dumb as rocks to conclude that he's losing his job based off number of reps in May.

3)Watkins' use of term "informed" might not be intended to be taken in the normal sense. Again, maybe the change was dictated by deeds rather than words. Hence, no quotes.
But Greg never told them that he was seeing a reduced role. See #4.

4) Immaterial.
Yeah, it's immaterial if you believe they can get all of this out of "I'm in town."

5) Not important; see #2; I can see them wishing not to go public here for obvious reasons.
Again, the coaches are lying. That's fine if you think that.

6) Conceivable this may have some merit in his decision process.
Conceivable and most likely, IMHO.
theogt;2099763 said:
So, you think the coaches are lying? GOTCHA.

Except that no reasonable person could deduce that reduced reps for a 30+ defender with an injury history means he's losing his starting job, particularly after coming off his best season EVER.

You say he's a bright guy, but he'd have to be dumb as rocks to conclude that he's losing his job based off number of reps in May.

But Greg never told them that he was seeing a reduced role. See #4.

Yeah, it's immaterial if you believe they can get all of this out of "I'm in town."

Again, the coaches are lying. That's fine if you think that.

Conceivable and most likely, IMHO.

Well, Greg's been concerned about pushed aside for at least two yrs so it's not a stretch for him to suspect losing his job again this yr. Also Spencer was interviewed about his role change.. it was out there.

Coaches not going public with the facts is more likely than not. Greg's case has to be handled delicately.

re #4, it's his txt that was immaterial. other info was gleaned otherwise as I speculated.

The coaches lying is more believable than Watkins fabricating a story. To what end?
PosterChild;2099782 said:
The coaches lying is more believable than Watkins fabricating a story. To what end?
Fabricate may be a harsh word.

I think he saw that Greg wasn't there, Greg was in town, and that more time was being given to Spencer, so he just put 2 and 2 together with Greg's history of complaining/insecurity. Like you said, it's an easy story to bite on.

According to Mickey, the coaches were extremely shocked ("astounded" per IR) that Greg was upset. Perhaps they are lying, but feigning shock is a bit much.
PosterChild;2099782 said:
Also Spencer was interviewed about his role change.. it was out there.
Which interview are you referring to? The only one I can think of is the one where he says he's going to take advantage of Greg's absence while he's not there (i.e., not at the OTAs). It didn't mention anything of a role change.
This whole thing is blown out of per portion. The team needs Ellis to back up spencer and come in to rush the passer. The team just needs to ignore Ellis and come training camp he will show up (he needs his $). Either way he wasn't getting many reps at OTA's and he is working out at the ranch so its not like he's on the couch eating cookies doing nothing. This will save his legs for training camp and come game day. Just weather the storm and let it pass by.
Any news on the number of reps other senior citizens are getting: Owens, Adams, and Johnson?
dogberry;2099807 said:
Any news on the number of reps other senior citizens are getting: Owens, Adams, and Johnson?

I haven't read anything but they might be at the social security office trying to collect.
What amazaes me is that every time a negative artilcle is written about someone's pet cat, by the Dallas media, people question the media and their motives, information and sources.

By the very nature of their jobs, being around the team everyday, they develop sources with in the team. That's how they gather the information that they write about. Sources, of course, do not want their names associated with the articles.

But when these same writers write an article, based on information they received from their sources, regarding an up coming signing, contracts, etc., these same people are praising them.

Take the good with the bad with the media, if you are going to doubt what they write, doubt everything they write, not just the negative articles about your pet cat.

In this instance, I can almost assure you that the source of the information to the media is none other than Greg Ellis himself. On the Roy Williams bashing, I am willing to bet that that information came from players on the team. I seroiusly doubt that the Dallas media all of a sudden came up with the same idea to bash Roy at the same time.
theogt;2099795 said:
Fabricate may be a harsh word.

I think he saw that Greg wasn't there, Greg was in town, and that more time was being given to Spencer, so he just put 2 and 2 together with Greg's history of complaining/insecurity. Like you said, it's an easy story to bite on.

According to Mickey, the coaches were extremely shocked ("astounded" per IR) that Greg was upset. Perhaps they are lying, but feigning shock is a bit much.

I might have lead you astray with my opening there in my reply. I was essentially stating that it didn't matter how they learned of Greg's reaction to all this. The following lines were more in line with my take. Not really questioning the honesty of the coaches. However, not out of the realm of possibilities that they are in fact not being entirely forthcoming.
Mr Cowboy;2099814 said:
What amazaes me is that every time a negative artilcle is written about someone's pet cat, by the Dallas media, people question the media and their motives, information and sources.

By the very nature of their jobs, being around the team everyday, they develop sources with in the team. That's how they gather the information that they write about. Sources, of course, do not want their names associated with the articles.

But when these same writers write an article, based on information they received from their sources, regarding an up coming signing, contracts, etc., these same people are praising them.

Take the good with the bad with the media, if you are going to doubt what they write, doubt everything they write, not just the negative articles about your pet cat.

In this instance, I can almost assure you that the source of the information to the media is none other than Greg Ellis himself. On the Roy Williams bashing, I am willing to bet that that information came from players on the team. I seroiusly doubt that the Dallas media all of a sudden came up with the same idea to bash Roy at the same time.
What amazes me is that anyone would read the Dallas media on a consistent basis and take everything they say at face value.

Truly amazing. These guys have agendas, stir controversy, and have been known to just make **** up when they feel like it. If anything is true, it's that you should question every piece they write, not just the "negative" ones.
theogt;2099816 said:
What amazes me is that anyone would read the Dallas media on a consistent basis and take everything they say at face value.

Truly amazing. These guys have agendas, stir controversy, and have been known to just make **** up when they feel like it. If anything is true, it's that you should question every piece they write, not just the "negative" ones.

Please list the **** they made up when they felt like it.

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