READ THIS *** REMINDER: DMN has demanded we no longer allow their content on CZ ***

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
*** UPDATED ***

This includes tweets by their reporters with links to their articles! If you post DMN content on the site, you risk having your account suspended so please avoid doing so!

*** Previous 2017 Announcement ***

For those of you who did not visit during the off-season ..

During the summer of 2017, we received a legal Cease & Desist order from the law firm of Dallas Morning News (DMN) demanding we no longer allow DMN content on the site.

It's unfortunate given that we were sending DMN's web site several hundred users in traffic each day, but it is their choice and their content so we have abided with their legal order.

On the bright side, there are a lot of other great Cowboys news sources available that like the traffic and exposure we provide them so that will help all of us keep up with the latest Cowboys news.

***** GENERAL NOTES *****

  • Yes, we understand there are fair use laws.
  • No, we are not going to fight this.
  • DMN does not want its content here, we accepted that and moved on.
  • The legal C&D was quite specific and said "All Content" so the only way we would consider allowing their content back on the site would be if the same law firm rescinds their threat in writing and DMN provides legal permission for us to do so also in writing.
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While we appreciate everyone's support in this matter, this is really no longer an issue for us.

Last year (2017), DMN's lawyers demanded we remove all DMN content from the site, which we did immediately and that included deleting and wiping tens of thousands of posts from the site.

While we were disappointed with their demands, we respect it is their content and they no longer wanted it here.

We were surprised they no longer cared about the targeted traffic CZ was sending them every day, but the decision was likely made by people who have no interest in their marketing or reader relationships.

In any case, I only re-sticky'ed the thread because we have a lot of new members on the site who are not aware of the DMN situation here.

Again, we really do appreciate all of the support and we are sorry that a Dallas Cowboys news source is no longer allowed on the site, but fortunately there are many other sources of news and articles and many other sites who enjoy and appreciate the traffic they receive from CZ.
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