Replay ref Gene Steratore should be fired tonight

Listen the replay ref got it right but it's a stupid rule that should never have to be interpreted. He got 3 feet down, dive etc but as one action the ball came out. I don't agree but it's a rule.

We had multiole chances to put game out of reach

My list is:
A) 3rd and1 before half
B) missed FG instead of going 4th and 1
C) DeMarco fumble
D) Hannah non fumble recovery after DeMarco score.

Defense got gassed as we never blitzed either

So this call was least of our worries
Of course they will, even though they know it was wrong. Funny thing. Mike Perieria called it as an incomplete. I wonder if the refs in the booth heard his call on the air and just went with it. That would mean a Fox employee actually changed the outcome of the game.

Perieria resides with the refs almost 100% of the time...
The league office was involved in these calls. So don't expect a reversal.

That's one part of how they changed this system I do not like. It lends a lot of weight to the conspiracy theorists that say the NFL wants to determine which teams advance by giving them a direct say in the outcome of the most important calls.
You know the NFL has a REAL problem with refs when every network has their own ref expert. Enough said.
How do you not over turn that Cobb catch in the first half when replay shows the ball hit the ground. then make a crap call like the one of Dez that helped end the cowboys season. thisguy has an agenda. and those 2 plays prove it. it was payback for last week.and all the outrage by the media/ESPN and other media. they ***** all week about that call. this week all you will hear is how right this crook was for over turning the call. this punk should be fired tonight. the NFL looks bad right now.

Yeah, that one obviously hit the ground.
If Skeletor gets a promotion in the near future it will be salt in the wound.

How do you not over turn that Cobb catch in the first half when replay shows the ball hit the ground. then make a crap call like the one of Dez that helped end the cowboys season. thisguy has an agenda. and those 2 plays prove it. it was payback for last week.and all the outrage by the media/ESPN and other media. they ***** all week about that call. this week all you will hear is how right this crook was for over turning the call. this punk should be fired tonight. the NFL looks bad right now.

Agreed! Well said the more you look at it, it's an awesome catch and he defintely had possession, all the way down, they Gene and his pack of trolls robbed our Cowboys and the Cowboy Nation of a NFC championship, when is this making up rules as you go, going to stop!
Perieria resides with the refs almost 100% of the time...

But he made the call ON-AIR (saying it should be considered incomplete) before the replay official made their decision. A TV personality shouldn't be making those calls, especially if there are given some sort of weight as a former official. If the replay guy wasn't sure what decision to make, why wouldn't he just go with the one that was just announced by 'former ref' who's supposed to know the rules.
Waiting for Obama to weigh in but he'll say it was the right call this time around

No, he won't say anything at all. Cowboys represent the "haves" of the league (and it doesn't hurt having a fat cat (literally) Republican sitting in the owners box to further that perception), poor, downtrodden Detroit represents the "have nots."

If he says it was the wrong call, he'll risk losing all of the political capital, real or imagined, he gained from siding with poor, sympathy-inducing Detroit. If he says it's the right call, he risks looking like a biased hypocrite. So what's the solution? Don't say anything at all.
Steratore is either totally incompetent or on the take. Anyone who misses Romo getting dummied two seconds after releasing the ball when his main job is to watch for shenanigans around the QB has to be one of the two.
Anybody that truly believes there is a bias against the Cowboys, need to quit believing conspiracies so readily.

The NFL referees are asked to do too much for a PART-TIME job, and have been on the decline since before the hold out. Too many ticky tack rules have been made over the last 10 years. Making the game almost impossible to ref correctly all the way through.

Also, allowing the refs far too much "interpretation" power leads to difference in calls due to the crew working the game..

If I performed the same way in my part-time job as these refs perform in theirs, I'd be fired immediately.

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