Twitter: Rex Ryan said it perfectly this morning


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I only played football in High School but it seems to me, being called soft, physically and mentally, is just about the worst thing anyone can say about a football team, and in this case, its an ex head NFL coach. That's pretty bad. If the Cowboys are not blowing steam out of their ear after hearing this then it just proves it is the correct assessment of them.

yes but he has a bone to pick with Dallas all the time because of his Dad and because the ravens wanted to hire Garrett over him when he was the DC and interviewed for the job.

last week he was bragging that his dad went 8-2 against the vaunted landry cowboys on the espn pregame. Imagine bragging about beating up on the 86-89 cowboys. Also, Garrett is 7-3 at philadelphia.

anyway, he is a moron and whether Dallas is soft or not doesn't matter at this point the season is over.

Big D

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Soft is the theme:

This is how I feel about it. We're built to play smashmouth football but we refuse to run the ball. We have what is supposed to be the best line in football but our attitude along with the run game is dainty.


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And next week the eagles will probably be the Charmin.

Yea really. “One team is about Philly left hook”....? Gimme a break, they stink too.

We literally embarrassed them a matter of weeks ago (I think it was 37-10?). And they’ve taken some other really embarrassing L’s this year too.

Both teams are BAD this year. I live in Pennsylvania and my friends who are Eagles fans haven’t even attempted to talk trash. That speaks volumes.