Shhh...this is no place for discussions like this! This is for celebrating injury and posting pointless GIFs rather than actually formulate a complete thought and defend an argument!
On a serious note--injuries are a funny thing. There are players like Bradford who have the recurring ones--and players like Matt Stafford who can't stay healthy, and then all of a sudden can. Griffin's injuries are fluke in nature--they are not the same recurring ones over and over. Any player would have been hurt on a hit to the knee by Ngata that Griffin took in 2012. There are pictures on twitter of Griffin getting sacked and having his ankle roll under him, which might have caused the dislocation. The Nats Anthony Rendon is another one--he suffered 2 (or three...I can't remember exactly) broken ankles in college and the minors. Same ankle and everything. Hasn't been a problem since.
So is he injury prone? Maybe. Will he get over them? Maybe. Time will tell. But it's entirely too early to start celebrating his demise.
For the rest of you who just want to post single sentences with monosyllabic words, please, continue. Post your GIFs. I find them hilarious, in a sad and pathetic way.