Ricky gives reasons for retiring


He Made the Difference
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Posted on Fri, Aug. 27, 2004

Ricky gives reasons for retiring

Williams not happy with contract, offensive direction



Ricky Williams is living out of a tent in Australia and recently was bitten by some insect he described as a caterpillar, causing so much pain and swelling in his legs he could hardly walk for days. Against that backdrop, Williams called Dolphins general manager Rick Spielman and coach Dave Wannstedt this week to gauge their interest in letting him come back to the team this season.

The conversations did not go well from Williams' perspective.

Williams said Wannstedt seemed focused on getting an apology from the player for retiring seven days prior to the start of training camp.

''The only thing he said was that he was upset I didn't call to apologize,'' Williams said. ``The ego on this guy.''

During his conversation with Spielman, Williams outlined the myriad reasons he had retired -- among them a desire to get a new contract because he felt underpaid, a desire to carry the ball less and a reluctance to play under new offensive coordinator Chris Foerster rather than his choice, quarterback coach Marc Trestman.

Foerster was promoted ahead of Trestman when the coordinator job was open.

''Why didn't you tell us these things earlier when we could have done something about it?'' Williams says Spielman asked.

''I guess I need to learn to be more upfront,'' Williams said he responded.

Within days of the conversations that began Monday, Williams knew he would not be returning to the Dolphins this year even though he correctly believes the path for his return can be cleared by the NFL.


The Dolphins told Williams they would not give him a new contract, which ended the running back's desire to return for now.

One day after Williams went public with the latest twist to this ongoing saga, Dolphins coaches declined to address the entire matter.

Several Dolphins players raised concerns about the possibility of Williams' return after his abrupt departure.

''If Ricky were to come back, he'd have to hold a team meeting and explain to us what his thinking was,'' defensive end Jay Williams said. ``He may think he doesn't have to do that, but he definitely has to because he quit [seven] days before camp started. He let all of us down.

``So if he we wants to come back in this locker room, he would have to call a team meeting and sit up there and be a man and explain what was going on in his head. We're all in here depending on each other and the goal is not to let the other man down. And what he did was let us down.''

Although Miami assistants are routinely allowed to speak with the media, Wannstedt put a gag order on them Thursday so they would not discuss the issues Williams raised about wanting Trestman rather than Foerster as the offensive coordinator.

An assistant for Leigh Steinberg, the agent who represents Williams, said Steinberg would not be discussing Williams publicly in the near future. Wannstedt and Spielman also declined to address any questions about Williams.

''We're tongue-tied on this one,'' Spielman said. ``We're going to let him hang himself.''


The Dolphins are still expecting Williams to return $8.6 million in bonus and incentive money they say he owes by Monday. Williams does not have the liquid assets to return that money in one lump sum, a source close to the player said.

Williams could avoid the entire matter by agreeing to return to the team without a new contract and accepting the coaching staff as it is. That's because it's not out of the question that the NFL would allow him to play this season.

Williams has failed three drug tests, which would result in an automatic four-game suspension if he returns. In addition, the NFL's drug program stipulates that if a player in the program retires and returns within one calendar year, it would count as another violation.

That violation, which would be Williams' fourth, would call for a one-year suspension. However, league rules allow for the possibility that the NFL Players Association and the league could negotiate a settlement to allow Williams to return sooner.

Such a return -- unlikely as it is -- would split the Dolphins' locker room into camps of players who support Williams and players who want nothing to do with him.

Defensive tackle Larry Webster compared Williams to a ''bitter girlfriend,'' who leaves without ''closure.'' Center Seth McKinney said Williams' comments about not wanting to play under Foerster were, ``kind of ignorant.''

Receiver Chris Chambers said, ''there's more communication between the offense and the defense,'' since Williams left. But never lost in the entire soap opera is the fact the Dolphins are not as talented without Williams.

''He's proven he can be a game-breaking player, so he would definitely be an upgrade if he came back,'' Jay Williams said. ``We would be better, no question.''

Herald sports writers Jason Cole and Barry Jackson contributed to this report.



Well-Known Member
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He's lying

If you were just upset about offensive direction then he wouldn't have brought up the weed thing to ruin his image.


Thread Killer
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He may be lying or he may not. He is a very confused person so it is likey he has a new reason why he quit the team and the nfl.


He Made the Difference
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I thought it was hilarious. Living in a tent deep in the outback getting bitten by "caterpillars", accusing Wanny of "ego". Oh the evils of civilization!

Ricky's starting to remind me of Ted Kaczynski.

Don't open any mail, Dave. :rolleyes: