You said what I was going to say.
I don't think some/many Cowboys fans understand how freakishly talented Ro is.
The guy was our best defensive player despite not having participated in training camp and, effectively, not having played a NFL game in more than a year.
So what if he doesn't like training camp - which no one really knows if he does or not? A lot of players don't like training camp, and a lot of players skip some/various portions of training camp. Last I checked, Dez hasn't played in a preseason game yet.
I like the way the Cowboys are handling Ro. They understand he's a special case who brings a special talent and treat him as such. And I think his teammates understand this.
And Ro understands this, which is why he appreciates the Cowboys. He knows he has it good. He knows the Cowboys are his last shot at the NFL. No other team is going to put up with his foolishness. Why do you think he signed his current deal with the Cowboys? He had/has no leverage. But that's okay. So he doesn't participate fully in training camp. There's your trade off.
The Cowboys are getting a steal of a deal - a linebacker with a Ray Lewis-like impact who likely knows this is his last stop. And they're getting him for dirt cheap. And if he doesn't shape up, you cut him, and you really lose nothing. Win/win.
But you keep him, deal with his Roisms and pair him with Greg Hardy, Randy George and Sean Lee?
The only thing that's going to stop Ro is not opposing offenses, but his penchant to puff the Cannabis plant.