It shows that he recognizes a problem and trying to correct it and keep his nose straight going forward. Always a tough thing to do, especially when your brother is the reason for the change. I applaud the man on his decision and wish him much success and blessing. I hope it is the right choice and it works for him. If he becomes a Cowboy, I will have no problem rooting for him and can only be encouraged by his stance and decisions. I cant say I was ever high on him as a draftee, but this certainly makes it more palatable for the Boys to draft him. I would not hate drafting him, even before this, But this decision makes it more likely that he be welcome as a Cowboys Draftee.
As for the people that say hes throwing his brother under the bus, I dont get that. As a boy growing into a man you are expected to make the right decisions at some points and depending on hoiw your life unwound as that young boy growing into a man, sometimes the decisions are tougher than they should be. When you realize the lifestyle you lead is not conducive to becoming what you want as a man, you need to make choices that may make you appear a sell out, traitor to your friends and family etc... but its what you have to do if you are to survive and succeed. I can only applaud the young man for his thinking and decision making, whether he received help in arriving on this decision or make the choice all by himself, hes strong enough to make it, that is a sign of a boy turning into a man. How can you not cheer for him and think, wow, what a great decision.
Much blessing for him and his family. Hopefully this will make his brother take a look at the circumstances that lead to Robert making this decision and push him into a path that parallels Robert. I dont know anything about either brother or what they have done that lead to this, but I truly enjoy seeing a man take responsibility for his actions and make corrections that turn his life around.