Twitter: Romo/Garrett attend SMU game...gets half booed/half applause

The Romo haters are basically barely able to control themselves whenever a thread like this comes up. Probably have to change their underwear.

I just keep diapers handy for these types of threads.
Not too surprising that half the crowd bood and half applauded. Similar to the response you might get here when posting of them.
Romo would get more applause than boos, while Garrett might very well get more boos than applause. It kinda evens out overall.
They should be booed everywhere they go, just a couple of career losers.

Here's a question: have you reached a level in your career (say best 1% on the planet at what you do)?
Just curious.
If not, you must look in the mirror daily thinking you are exponentially more of a loser than these two men.

The word loser, when used on a personal level, gets thrown around way to freely around here.
Didn't smu lose the last 2 Games romo and Garrett went 2... This might be why

No. They won one, and lost the other to Louisville, arguably the best team in the country. But due to their curse we didn't get selected to the NCAA tourney, so maybe that's why. Also, they went to cheer at a Duke game
Well we could focus on, you know their record over the last 3 years.

I agree, and that has ZERO to do with complaining about our HC and starting QB doing something on THEIR time...I understand that people are upset, but coming in to a forum with the expressed design to complain is ridiculous to me...not saying you or anyone in particular, but it gets REALLY old...

also @DallasEast , not sure if you were being facetious or not, but why aren't people finding other avenues to express themselves, even in here? consistently complaining about something that you (not you, an in general "you") have no control over isn't something to help your psyche, but I would venture that a psychiatrist would have fun with you? They could pay off some bills once you pay for all of your sessions

How long before someone says "why isn't romo focusing on his rehab? he is out in public when he could be rehabbing?"

when will the madness stop....there is NOTHING to complain about with this topic with the exception of me complaining about the lack of reasons for the complaints on Romo and Garrett being seen in public....
That's just rude.
I am Romo's biggest critic but no one can say he doesn't do his best. Same with Garrett (mein favorite among coaches).
The mens and womens who booed, at the non-football event, were not raised properly, that is all I can say.

I think Romo has a new best friend. lol

Garrett in better shape than Romo..

Cue...he had back surgery....
I don't see the coach & Ryan going on dates here in the ATL.

The booing is kind of funny. I would think it's more for Jason than Tony.

I would think the opposite. Maybe 30 percent booing for Garrett and . . . whatever percent is left for Romo. (JC don't teach calculas)
How can anybody say Garrett is in better shape than Romo based on a still picture in beyond comprenhension. Anybody who saw the video of Romo shooting hoops at Duke knows he's fine.
How can anybody say Garrett is in better shape than Romo based on a still picture in beyond comprenhension. Anybody who saw the video of Romo shooting hoops at Duke knows he's fine.

Garrett is 48, he appears to be in great shape for that age. Romo is 34 just coming off back surgery, he will look a little off at this time. Tony has never had an outstanding physical appearance but that is in his genes. Romo is/will be in shape when the season rolls around.

Although, I would put good money on Romo not looking like Garrett at 48 :cool:
Not too surprising that half the crowd bood and half applauded. Similar to the response you might get here when posting of them.
Romo would get more applause than boos, while Garrett might very well get more boos than applause. It kinda evens out overall.

Not even close. Like I have said a hundred times, the Romo haters are the ten percenters. It's the same few posters on anti Romo threads over and over and over and....

And, like I always say -- they will get their chance when Romo is done and unless we get really lucky or really bad - the next Chad Hutchinson arrives.

Oops I did it again!
I would prefer a tough love relationship between the QB and the head coach than what appears to a full blown bromance. But that is just me.

I hear that. I think it comes down to the personality of the coach. I don't see Red J or a Belichek type as "tough-lovers". They are more of the intellectual types. You know "lets talk this thing out". Now if you have a Cowher or a Parcells ... the bromance is over before it gets started.
Garrett is 48, he appears to be in great shape for that age. Romo is 34 just coming off back surgery, he will look a little off at this time. Tony has never had an outstanding physical appearance but that is in his genes. Romo is/will be in shape when the season rolls around.

Yes and no. One personal criticism of Tony is that he has squandered superb athleticism by avoiding a serious off-season regimen of diet and training. He's tough, and he's been injured, but no-one can tell me he hasn't been guilty of comfort.

For someone that has the whole world awaiting his next failure... where did the commitment to his longevity and and peak performance go?
My God, people in CZ just LOVE to have something, anything to complain about....why can't this just be out HC and QB out to watch a game? No, people just have to take their shots...IT GETS YOU NOTHING!

It is truly amazing to me the shear amount of negativism that is spewed by a lot of cowboy "fans" in this forum....I just don't get it....there MUST be something else for you to focus on?

It's a lot funner this way. You should try it sometime.

If they can't handle being boo'd at SMU basketball games, they can't handle being coach/QB of America's Team.
It's a lot funner this way. You should try it sometime.

If they can't handle being boo'd at SMU basketball games, they can't handle being coach/QB of America's Team.

Oh, did they say something along the lines of not being able to handle to booing?

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