Romo is the highest rated passer of all-time!


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Biggems;2342690 said:
i wish people would get off Romo about the Giants game. Yes he lost his cool a bit in the second half....but he made some very nice passes all game long that TO, Crayton, Hurd, Fasano all dropped. I guess it was his fault too that Reeves let Steve Smith use him like a tampon right before the half and discarded him on the Texas Stadium turf all soiled and bloody. I guess it's Romo's fault that the OL opened no running lanes in the 2nd half, nor were they very successful at pass protection. Yes Romo lost his cool a bit and showed some frustration, but when he made the throws, his teammates dropped them or stopped running on the play.

As far as Seattle goes.....I am sorry but that was the greasiest, slickest, shiniest ball I have ever seen. I have never seen before or since a ball such as the one that they gave Romo to hold. There were other plays in that game that went against us as well...such as the Glenn fumble into the end zone for a safety.

I've been saying this for years. That was absolutely the shiniest ball I'd ever seen. Now since that game I always find myself looking at the ball. I do believe they are all shinnier now than I remember in the past.

But that one stands out as the shinniest, slickest football in history!

That's one of the two biggets mysteries of the last 50 years for me.
Was that ball docktered in any way?
Was there a second shooter on the grassy noll?


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TwentyOne;2338237 said:
looking at the equation for quaterback ratings that theoratically very easy.

when you look at the formular you will see that it is based on 4 indepentend terms each resulting in a value between zero and 2,375.

i don't want to go into detail but the term for interceptions is (2,375 - INTS/ATTMPT * 25). The "break even" point is (means where this term is going against 0) a INT/ATT ratio of

INT/ATT = 2,375/25 = 1/10,5

That means if a Quaterback throws a INT every tenth attempt this term will go against 0 and he gets no points out of it. Still with no points from that term he could have a Quaterback rating of:

3*2,375*100/6 = 118.

so basically it doesn't matter if you are a turnover machine. you can still be the highest rated QB by a wide margin.

Why theorize? We know what his career INT% is: 3.5%. Peyton Manning's is 2.8%. Not a remarkable difference. Probably less than 1 interception every 3 games.