Romo leaving really crippled us. Garrett has to change or leave


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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere


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Romo was never going to play forever. Hard to argue with Dak as the succession plan after a 13-3, record setting rookie season. Should the organization have a better contingency plan given Dak's second year struggles? Probably.


Captain Catfish
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Romo handled the brains department and fulfilled the lack of creativity that the vanilla coaching lacked poorly.

Its fairly obvious now with a young, talented QB now in Dak, that coaching support wasn't there in 2017.

Dak is not the issue, he needs a constructive game plan, something that Romo was able to overcome through the years
of learning in a system that it was going to be on his shoulders or end result was failure.

Romo learned that, and learned how to augment a lame duck philosophy, and be successful with out the support from the coaching staff.

Can Dak be what Romo was?

Where Dak has a leg up on Romo is in his durability,,, that is it, bottom line,, hopefully that one caveat can overcome the FOs absence of developmental support.

Or can they provide the necessary support to bridge the gap.... that is the question.


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Romo handled the brains department and fulfilled the lack of creativity that the vanilla coaching lacked poorly.

Its fairly obvious now with a young, talented QB now in Dak, that coaching support wasn't there in 2017.

Dak is not the issue, he needs a constructive game plan, something that Romo was able to overcome through the years
of learning in a system that it was going to be on his shoulders or end result was failure.

Romo learned that, and learned how to augment a lame duck philosophy, and be successful with out the support from the coaching staff.

Can Dak be what Romo was?

Where Dak has a leg up on Romo is in his durability,,, that is it, bottom line,, hopefully that one caveat can overcome the FOs absence of developmental support.

Or can they provide the necessary support to bridge the gap.... that is the question.

Golden, tough hurdle to clear in a year three of one's career.


Captain Catfish
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Golden, tough hurdle to clear in a year three of one's career.
Not if the obvious is recognized, and every attempt is made to place/develop a young Dak Prescott in the ideal scenario to achieve success.
If not we could witness a possible franchise QB being ruined.

PA Cowboy Fan

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5 more years. That's all we heard. The team wasn't prepared for when Romo left. The team was lucky with Dak in 2016. If Romo was still on the team he'd be hurt again. Lets hope Dak can rebound next year but if not it has nothing to do with Romo. He was done and he knew it.


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Not if the obvious is recognized, and every attempt is made to place/develop a young Dak Prescott in the ideal scenario to achieve success.
If not we could witness a possible franchise QB being ruined.
Oh, for sure...we'll all know by season's end...if he is a true franchise level quarterback or not, and if he is able to lead by his own strengths.


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i loved Romo before most got on the wagon, for whatever reason, its not always because they dont dislike.

Lets be real clear here, as good as Romo was, we never won anything with him. We had to play Dak, get him going, get him learning, why let him sit. Start that right out the gate. Id rather we move on quickly instead of lingering like after Aikman.

That being said, Yes Romo was good for the mental aspect, but Garrett and company dropped the ball yet again and it just backs up my narrative that Garrett is no true head coach.


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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere

The Romoholic mantra:

If the Cowboys won: “Tony carried the entire team.”

If the Cowboys lost: “Tony can’t carry the entire team.”

Romo was a great Cowboy, but he was only one player on a team. He helped us win games with great plays, as did his teammates. He made mistakes, some of which cost us games, as did his teammates. He didn’t block, catch passes or play defense in any of the wins or losses. He aged, became increasingly injured and now he’s retired, as are — or in the future will be — his former teammates.

Get over it.


Taco Engineer
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Romo was a very good QB, teammate and person. He was fun to watch. Can we please move on from the whining though?
It's not like Romo never had good teams, so lay to rest he never did. And, some of this teams' misfortune was on Romo too. Things just never lined up. He couldn't stay on the field and had to retire. Now look at all of the "fans" who can't process that fact properly who are hating a 2nd year QB....


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Romo was crippled. He had to leave.
This is a truth so many fans either forget or never realized. As much as I loved Romo- his story, his talent, his grit....he was done physically. He would not have lasted a single game because he literally could no longer take normal NFL contact. Dak took some shots this year that Romo would not have gotten up from. “Father Time is undefeated”.


Well-Known Member
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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere

I've been saying for years. Our team should scrap the Garrett playbook and start running those rub easy to execute rub routes. For someone who's played football for his entire life (Garrett) I can't understand why he can't change a play to compensate for a different type of player?

Romo was a rare breed. He was the reason why our offense was so successful. He would make the proper changes depending on the defense. Garrett is like the "siri" of coaches. All you get is the same ole' answers every time. Borrrrrring.

We need a change.