Romo leaving really crippled us. Garrett has to change or leave


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I cant wait for Garrett to leave. Then after a year or two of the same thing, we can talk about wanting then another coach after Garrett's replacement.
But your okay with keeping Garrett another year, two years, five years and being mediocre? We already know Garrett is mediocre. Mediocre does not win Superbowls, so of course we want a new coach. Maybe, just maybe Jerry will hire a coach capable of leading this team to a Superbowl victory. We know Garrett won’t!!! If you think he will, you haven’t watched enough Garrett coached games.


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Former-QB Garrett had another advantage with Romo. Jason was the OC and play-caller early in Tony’s career as the Cowboys’ starter, but without the responsibilities of being the head coach.

JG, Jerry’s pet and pre-anointed “HC in waiting”, had virtual full-autonomy over constructing the O and calling the plays on game-day under Wade Phillips — something he doesn’t have early in Dak’s career as the starter.

Maybe Kellen Moore as QB coach can help Scott Linehan get better play out of Dak?

I remember the playcalling back then with Sean Peyton. It was so much more dynamic and creative. Then when Garrett took over it slowly went downhill - something to a more vanilla scheme and one that is simple to defend. Till this day this team is straddled with that playcalling. Linehan is being blamed for the badly designed plays being called. However, he's calling from Garrett's playbook.

Its no coincidence that when our offense started to see success was when someone else called plays. First was in 2014, when most of the innovative run plays stem from Callahan. Next year it went downhill. Secondly, in 2016 when Romo got injured. Practically making him as our offensive coordinator that year. This went down in 2017 because we reverted back to Garrett's playbook and Linehan having to make calls from that playbook.

Scrap the playbook, and this offense will improve.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere

Dak is better than most fans think.

Dez and Witten have declined drastically since Romo's last season where he played most of the games (2014).

Obviously Dak is not at Romo's peak level but in year two Romo was still on the bench learning.

The Cowboys now have terrible WRs AND don't help the QB with run routes and other quality play designs like the Patriots use.

The Cowboys must improve the receivers AND/OR the play designs, preferrably both. Brady, Aikman, Joe Montana would all struggle in this scheme with these receivers.


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It’s amazes me how some forget how talented some of those teams were that Romo played on. But oh, if it wasn’t for Romo the Cowboys couldn’t have won a damn game!

Amazing isn't it! How many pro-bowlers were on the 2007-2009 teams on both sides of the ball? Certainly more than on the 2016 and 2017 teams. Now i will say the 2010- 2012 teams were a little scarce on pro-bowlers on offense. I'm betting there were more on defense though and oh yeah, both Witt and Dez were pro-bowlers. Then the O-line kicked in a few in 2013 and 2014. Nah, he never had complete teams around him. They were missing a holder in 2016


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Amazing isn't it! How many pro-bowlers were on the 2007-2009 teams on both sides of the ball? Certainly more than on the 2016 and 2017 teams. Now i will say the 2010- 2012 teams were a little scarce on pro-bowlers on offense. I'm betting there were more on defense though and oh yeah, both Witt and Dez were pro-bowlers. Then the O-line kicked in a few in 2013 and 2014. Nah, he never had complete teams around him. They were missing a holder in 2016
It's almost like Pro Bowls are useless in evaluating players. Romo had a talented team in 2007, 2009, and 2014 and that's pretty much it, the rest of the years the team was poor at best. All 3 years they ran into better teams, all 3 years the defense was a big disappointment, and in all 3 years there was a part of the offensive supporting cast that vastly underperformed. (Oline and receivers in 2007, oline in 2009, and running back and to a lesser extent oline in 2014).


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It’s amazes me how some forget how talented some of those teams were that Romo played on. But oh, if it wasn’t for Romo the Cowboys couldn’t have won a damn game!

No one is forgetting that or short changing them. He was a cog on those teams and fell short like the rest. It’s after, when he truly elevated his game and didn’t have the accompanying talent were lamenting. He shares blame for not winning when they could’ve. But we suffered years of his peak with mismanagement and buffoonery


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yep peyton manning never played again after all those neck surgeries.. "one hit and he'll be in a wheelchair"... gotta love medical doctors online..

waving monkey

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With Romo gone it really crippled us, game play wise and mentally.

Romo was a rare talent. He could surgically take apart a defense, and make it look so easy. With Romo we did not need to come up with gimmicky plays, or plays that would help our WR's get open. Romo was that ******* good he threw the Wr's open and somehow made everyone's life easy, while improving every season.

With that being said, Garrett probably believes somewhere in his naive mind that it was him and his offense that looked so good, so tries and uses the same formula with Prescott hoping for the same results.

With Prescott we need to install gimmicky plays, rub routes, and wr friendly formations. Even the great Brady uses these type of plays, and I'm sure he doesn't need it.

Not comparing Romo to Brady, but he's not way out of the circle.

It just sucks, we abused Romo for so many years and never got him the help, and completely sold out for him, to at least try and win one. The only time we somewhat got aggressive was with TO, and Roy Williams. But he always had a bad Defense, and Bad O-Line until it was to late.

We will probably never Run into another talent and master of the game like Romo for another maybe 20 years, so we need to help Prescott and make things easy for him. He's not Romo, and this starts with Garrett, because Jerry isn't going anywhere
The 2016 Dallas Cowboys just said Hello?


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yep one hit and peyton was in a wheel chair.. lmao... one hit and he was in the super bowl.. dang...


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Willie Beamen:

Enjoy this dose of reality

I love how Romoites act like there weren't a lot of day like this w Romo!

Same crap offense though. Nothing to worry about underneath for the defense.

We're so crippled since this guy left
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Amazing isn't it! How many pro-bowlers were on the 2007-2009 teams on both sides of the ball? Certainly more than on the 2016 and 2017 teams. Now i will say the 2010- 2012 teams were a little scarce on pro-bowlers on offense. I'm betting there were more on defense though and oh yeah, both Witt and Dez were pro-bowlers. Then the O-line kicked in a few in 2013 and 2014. Nah, he never had complete teams around him. They were missing a holder in 2016
That 2007 team was strong