Now some of you will have to consider other reasons why he was kept home and Henson the unimpressive boy wonder was sent packing. I thought this was a "lock", "booked"... But wait, watch the amnesia begin and the new reasons fly.

Probably wasn't worth sending to NFLe like Henson, right......
So in reality, looks like Romo was never demoted down.. Looks as if he's still our undisputed #2 behind Bledsoe.. And come to think of it, I've never heard Parcells, our head coach, state any thing to the contrary.
Meanwhile, Henson to Zuriel Smith in NFLe!!!!!

Oh yea, and, over in Ameica, here, home of America's Team, Romo to Owens, in practice.
I can hear Owens already if he's ever punished into working with Henson...
"I'm over here, not down on the ground, you idget!"
"Is that ball coming from your hand or out the side of your a__?!"
"I quit! No f______ way am I working with someone who went to NFLe unless their name is Kurt Warner, AND even that ain't happening in the last 5 years!"
"Should I learn to swear in German you **** neverwas- go back and play peewee! I can't believe I'm being suffered like this!"
"ROMO! ROMO!! ROMO!!! WHERE IS ROMO!!!!! I can't work with this incompetant anymore, where is ROMO!!!!!"
But seriously, it could be comical if those two are ever forced to work together. Not saying that Owens and Romo would be anymore successful, but it won't be nearly as funny hearing the stories. Atleast as we speak a possible relationship is being formed between Romo and Owens. And especially with us bringing in a player like Owens, it's rather suspicious that we would want to send our "supposed" future away, when noway it could be as beneficial as working with the absolute best WR in the game. Think Irvin when Sanders was signed, instead of continuing on with is own training, he used Sanders to better his game in practice. Henson is over in Europe reading about TO becoming a Cowboy, lol, it doesn't get much better then that. To the rescue, boy wonder, to the rescue!