Twitter: Romo: Zeke will get paid as a Cowboy


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Zeke wants to be the highest paid RB in the NFL.

So that means SJ will be setting the market at RB...BUT he already said he wasn't going to do that.

Unless Zeke shows up and just wanted to make the point (he wants to get paid ASAP) along with skipping TC at the same time, I don't see this big contract happening and Zeke sits out the season.

SJ is the fool who said Zeke's contract starts at "Gurley money" because he's an idiot who only has his lofty position because daddy owns the Cowboys.

I could negotiate contracts better than that clown. I've been doing it for 25 years, and my daddy didn't hand me a position. I bleepin' earned it.


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I’m losing the energy Street, just ready for the season to get here. These pre season games are interesting for about a half at best and when the other teams don’t play their starters it really diminishes it even more IMO. I mean tomorrow night won’t tell us anything unless our firsts get worked by the Rams back ups, otherwise I just take it with a grain of salt.

Even if some of our back ups look good against their back ups, how much does that really tell us? The. we get into the guys that won’t even make the roster but still look pretty good because they’re playing guys with similar talent levels, so again, it tells us very little. I’ll try to watch the first half and hope for no injuries.

What makes our preseason games so boring is the terrible qb play. Our backup qbs can't sniff the endzone. If we cant get the qbs to throw the damn ball downfield it will be alot more fun to watch.


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Leading the league in rushing 2 of your first 3 years I think most would say is pretty damn important to any offense. Amazing you can't/refuse to see it........ has most every other RB that has has led the league in carries and how many Super Bowls do those teams have since the Cowboys? Go ahead and look it up even though I’ve already told you because you seem to forget.

What would your excuse be if he didn’t have as many carries and didn’t lead the league in touches? Oh that’s right, you could flaunt how he led the league in fumbles and is runner up for most off the field distractions.


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45,419 has most every other RB that has has led the league in carries and how many Super Bowls do those teams have since the Cowboys? Go ahead and look it up even though I’ve already told you because you seem to forget.

What would your excuse be if he didn’t have as many carries and didn’t lead the league in touches? Oh that’s right, you could flaunt how he led the league in fumbles and is runner up for most off the field distractions.

Just stop......
It's one thing to have a personal agenda against a player as you've admitted, he's a punk, but to let that cloud general gamesmanship fact is delusional and misguided. If he leads the league in touches, it's not unusual at all to have the most fumbles. As it stands NOW, this offense starts and ends with Zeke's impact. In fact, pretty sure you ask 31 league defensive coordinators to name the one play they have to stop in this offense would be Zeke. Heard/read it to many times over the last three years. Of course, I'm not saying he's irreplaceable, any player is but not now, not this year...too late.


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Just the other day, Romo was saying it's a "coin toss" whether Ezekiel Elliott gets re-signed. Now he's saying it will get done. So what happened to change his opinion? He obviously knows something the rest of us do not.

He said it was a coin toss if hed get signed by week 1


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Just stop......
It's one thing to have a personal agenda against a player as you've admitted, he's a punk, but to let that cloud general gamesmanship fact is delusional and misguided. If he leads the league in touches, it's not unusual at all to have the most fumbles. As it stands NOW, this offense starts and ends with Zeke's impact. In fact, pretty sure you ask 31 league defensive coordinators to name the one play they have to stop in this offense would be Zeke. Heard/read it to many times over the last three years. Of course, I'm not saying he's irreplaceable, any player is but not now, not this year...too late.
My disliking him as a person, which I have always openly admitted, has nothing to do with the fact I think RB’s are one of the most expendable positions. It’s not like I’m cheering against him on game day.

I’ve always said I think he is top 3, with Barkley being first, and I think the Giants are idiots for drafting him as well. It’s been shown time and time again that RB’s are replaceable, especially behind good O lines. Most recently, look what Pittsburgh did when everyone thought they would be screwed without Bell. Look what the Rams did without Gurley and a guy who was sitting on the couch when he got the call. Look what Philthy did with Ajayi.

It’s laughable that you think he led the league in fumbles due to having the most carries. Why don’t you look up carries vs fumbles of the top RB’s and see who leads by a wide margin. Off the top of my head, I think Barkley had ~45 less carries and ZERO fumbles! Gurley wasn’t far behind before his injury. It’s not even close, you should do a little research before spouting off about stats you clearly know nothing about.

Ever notice how one of our best offensive games last year was without Zeke and half our starters for most of the game? Why is that? Could it possibly be because we weren’t so reliant on Zeke? Could it be because we spread the ball around more and therefore kept defenses guessing more? Could it be because Zeke isn’t as critical to this offense as some make it seem?

I’m not saying he’s not our best option and he doesn’t make a difference nor have I ever said that. I have said I don’t think the world will come crashing down if he doesn’t play and I think his absence isn’t nearly as critical with a decent to good OC (and O line) which I hope Moore will be.

Why is it every other team has overcome not having the leagues leading rusher but we can’t?


Vet Min Plus
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Anyone who has been following Jerry for years knows this is going to happen.

He doesn't have seasons to waste at his age, and doesn't want a repeat of Emmitt in '93. He won't take that chance.



Cowboys Diehard
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What? He'll get paid as a Cowboy? What's that supposed to mean?:huh:

Seems a bit ambiguous. Aw, shoot, he's our hero -- he gets a pass! :grin:
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My disliking him as a person, which I have always openly admitted, has nothing to do with the fact I think RB’s are one of the most expendable positions. It’s not like I’m cheering against him on game day.

I’ve always said I think he is top 3, with Barkley being first, and I think the Giants are idiots for drafting him as well. It’s been shown time and time again that RB’s are replaceable, especially behind good O lines. Most recently, look what Pittsburgh did when everyone thought they would be screwed without Bell. Look what the Rams did without Gurley and a guy who was sitting on the couch when he got the call. Look what Philthy did with Ajayi.

It’s laughable that you think he led the league in fumbles due to having the most carries. Why don’t you look up carries vs fumbles of the top RB’s and see who leads by a wide margin. Off the top of my head, I think Barkley had ~45 less carries and ZERO fumbles! Gurley wasn’t far behind before his injury. It’s not even close, you should do a little research before spouting off about stats you clearly know nothing about.

Ever notice how one of our best offensive games last year was without Zeke and half our starters for most of the game? Why is that? Could it possibly be because we weren’t so reliant on Zeke? Could it be because we spread the ball around more and therefore kept defenses guessing more? Could it be because Zeke isn’t as critical to this offense as some make it seem?

I’m not saying he’s not our best option and he doesn’t make a difference nor have I ever said that. I have said I don’t think the world will come crashing down if he doesn’t play and I think his absence isn’t nearly as critical with a decent to good OC (and O line) which I hope Moore will be.

Why is it every other team has overcome not having the leagues leading rusher but we can’t?

LOL .....the fact you're implying Zeke have fumbling issues as your carrying card laughable. Check his fumbling stats per year below. Hell, notice he did NOT lead RB in fumbles last year, that was Bears Tarik Cohen. Yes, 2016 he was tied with 3/4 other but 5 fumbles over 16 games while leading the league in rushing, I'll take that every day. LOL, see the way that works, you're not only one having access to stats. Just I'm not trying to justify a personal agenda........

BTW....just to be clear, I respect and most times, agree with the majority of your posts (the reason for trying to get a clear understanding of your issues with Zeke, otherwise I ignore and keep moving). Just think you're waaay off the marker when it comes to to Zeke as a player and his impact. But it is what it is........ let's look for an exit.


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LOL .....the fact you're implying Zeke have fumbling issues as your carrying card laughable. Check his fumbling stats per year below. Hell, notice he did NOT lead RB in fumbles last year, that was Bears Tarik Cohen. Yes, 2016 he was tied with 3/4 other but 5 fumbles over 16 games while leading the league in rushing, I'll take that every day. LOL, see the way that works, you're not only one having access to stats. Just I'm not trying to justify a personal agenda........

BTW....just to be clear, I respect and most times, agree with the majority of your posts (the reason for trying to get a clear understanding of your issues with Zeke, otherwise I ignore and keep moving). Just think you're waaay off the marker when it comes to to Zeke as a player and his impact. But it is what it is........ let's look for an exit.
Lol, so your defense is Zeke didn’t lead the league in fumbles because a scrub from Chicago that didn’t even have 500 total yards fumbled the ball one more time then him? Bwahahahahaha...are you friggin kidding me? If you want to call him the best how about you compare him to the best? The fact that you’re using some JAG’s stats to brag that EE didn’t lead the league in fumbles by 1 isn’t doing much to justify how good Zeke is.

Again, I don’t like Elliot as a person at all and will take shots at him, just like people do with Dak but that doesn’t mean I don’t think he’s a very good RB. I just think the position is over valued and expendable, especially with a good OC and O line. That’s been proven for all but once in the past 20 years. Add in the fact that he is holding out with 2 years left, wants to be the highest paid RB and has been nothing but a headache since draft day then I would rather take my chances and move on from him although I don’t think that’s what will happen.

Agreed on moving on but I will continue to defend my position, so with all due respect, if you don’t like it then don’t respond. I’ve noticed a lot of people have already done that, are starting to agree or have put me on ignore (probably a combination of all 3) which is fine. I do appreciate your last paragraph, no hard feelings man, we won’t agree on everything but this is one player/topic I’m obviously very passionate about for several reasons. Come game day I’ll be an EE fan, every other day of the week I won’t have much good to say about him other than he’s a very good RB but not worth it IMO.
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That real profound Tony considering the offers been on the table for two weeks.